She goes back to the meeting room. Nothing to report, but it was no surprise. Thor didn't expect her to learn anything on the first couple of tries. That was okay. There was nothing she could do except keep trying. That's what she was hired for. Bucky glanced at her from time to time. Smiling as he made a new friend. Even if she didn't see it like that. He was still a friend. Thor looked to Flacon, upon reviewing the tactics made today. Falcon thought on it for a moment, while Wanda and Nebula spoke among themselves. Beth was in the right place. This was something she was going to enjoy.

"My brother is many things, but he would never harm her, not with the power she has, he's not a cold blooded killer, he's never really been a cold blooded killer, he is just lost," Thor says. Beth sighs. Wishing that were true. But his eyes today, were that of a psychopath.

"Thor, I'm not saying Loki is a cold blooded killer, but he's a maniac and he needs help," Falcon speaks. Beth agreed. Thor looked to Beth. He studies her for a moment. Laying his hammer down on the table.

"Beth, what's your diagnosis," he asks. She looks around the room. And then her attention comes back to Thor.

"I don't believe he's a cold blooded killer but he is a psychopath, he does need to get help, I think he's lost himself in trying to figure out what his purpose is," Beth says. Thor nods. Pursing his lips together.

"Okay, then Beth, can get answers and help him at the same time," Thor says. Beth shoots him a look, disbelief.

"I-I don't think that's wise Thor, he just admitted to me that he likes dominance. I don't think I should be in there alone with him to often," she spoke. Thor laughs.

"Beth, we aren't going to leave you alone with him, Bruce will stay behind the monitors, I wouldn't trust him alone with you," Thor says. She sighs in relief. She did not trust Loki. And to be fair, he did try to take over earth. So there was a good reason not to trust him.

"So, we juice him for information and I also open him up?" Beth asks confused. Falcon look to Thor for the right answer.

"Well, it's more than that, we want you to gain his trust, make him trust you enough that he will tell you anything we want to know, if it doesn't work, use you power, make him tell you, first let's try making him trust you, visit him, bring books, poems, whatever he wants within reason," Thor says standing up. He looks at Wanda.

"Make sure to be close in case this goes south," he says. Wanda nods to him. Thor looks back at Beth. He smiles, well grins, at her.

"You'll be fine, you'll do well," he says. She nods in disagreement.

They excuse themselves. And Beth runs to the front walking outside. She takes a breath in knowing this would be a difficult task for her. She felt obligated to meditate. And seeing as no one was outside, right now was as good a time as any. So she sits on the side walk. And crosses her leg. And closes her eyes.

She breathes in and out. And it was a good release. She began to breath slowly. Just ha going on to what sanity she had left. She then began levitating. Not to far, but a few feet. Her hands resting on her knees. And she kept her self floating for a while. Bucky walks outside, watching her, sitting on the bench in front of the building. He wandered how someone so hard ass would have this much peace. She seemed very vulnerable right now. And he watched as she meditated.

"Bucky," Korg said, drawing Beths attention. She floats down, sitting back down. And she slowly gets up. Bucky looks at Korg, his eyes wide.

"Yes Korg," he says hinting to go away. Korg doesn't get the memo. Korg was the big rock fellow that Thor befriended.

"So, do you like watching people meditate or is it just me," Beth asked. Bucky gets defensive.

"Wh-What no, I just, I saw you and I thought it was cool you know, the floating and stuff, so how do you do that," he says changing the subject. She caught his drift.

"It's in the mind. Unless you can actually control them, it would not do any good," she said. Korg was Intrigued.

"That's pretty cool Beth, I know you're name because Bucky was talking about you earlier, I'm Korg," he says. Beth looked at Bucky. He opens his mouth to speak. But he can't find the words.

"And what was Bucky saying about me," Beth asks Korg. He looks at Bucky, who shakes his head. But Korg doesn't always get the meaning of things.

"Oh well, he just said you were a hard-ass, but you seem nice to me, Meik even said so, right meik," he says. Talking to the purple monster he carried around. Meek just moved.

"Yep we like you, see, Bucky, she's not a hard ass," Korg said grinning. Beth nods and smiles.

"Thank Korg, and Meik, but Bucky was right, my reputation was just that, I just tend to be nicer to people I actually find pleasant," Beth said talking about Korg. He looks at Bucky and back to Beth.

"Thank you, you are pleasant too," Korg says. He excused himself. And Beth laughed. Bucky was not meaning any harm. He liked Beth, but she was rough around the edges. And he didn't think bad of her.

"So, um, I should go back inside," he said stammering over his words. She nods and grins at him.

"Oh, um, sorry we have others coming, the guardians, they want to meet you, I was suppose to also mention, you are wanted in Nebulas chambers," he said. Beth nods.

Bucky leaves her, and rushed inside. She was more relaxed than usual. The meditation helped. But it was more than that. She felt like, she was ready to take on anyone now. And maybe she was. But she knew she could handle Loki better. She was so much more relaxed.

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