Beth tried for the next few days, to gain Loki's trust. Bringing him food, books, and anything else he asked for. Even ale. But he still wouldn't talk. And Bruce kept a close eye on Loki when she wasn't around. He didn't do anything. But one night that changed. As Bruce sat on the floor waiting for something to change, Loki began talking, but in a daze.

"Get out of here," he said. Bruce recorded him from the cell. Maybe this was a breakthrough.

"No, I told you, enough, leave me in peace," he says. It was as if he was dreaming with his eyes open. He began to laugh, like he was going crazy. Bruce thought it was strange he was talking to someone, but there was no one on the camera.

"Just leave, there's no place for you here," Loki says turning around. But he looks back up. Whatever he was talking to, it was following his gaze. So Loki looks down covering his face.

"No, I'm not, I can't," he says. Bruce then pushes a button and a loud beep comes over the speaker in his cell, drawing him out of the daydream. He looks at Bruce.

"What, I don't want to talk," he says to Bruce. Bruce looks at him confused.

"Bruce, whatever problem you have, please just take it to someone else," he says. Bruce comes to the glass.

"I believe your the one with the problem," he said tapping the glass lightly. Loki shuts up. Not saying anything else.

He then goes back to the control panel, and waits for morning. He fell asleep in the floor, snoring, and waking Loki from his sleep. Loki loathed him. He beat Loki and smashed him around but now he was stuck as a man and a beast. And Loki found it hysterical. He hated him but he didn't. He also didn't know he fought with him on Asgard. That wasn't the Loki from Bruce's timeline. But he was still Loki. He felt bad about what he done, being in TVA done that.

Bruce gets up, hardly able to move at first. He looks at his watch. And he shuffles to get up before Beth came in. He readies his computer and the video from the prior night. Loki finds him amusing, falling over everything. Trying to be as human as possible. He took pride in watching him. It was the best thing he had seen since he had gotten here.

"Alright Bruce, what do you have for me," Beth says entering. Loki regrets their talks. She was always so set on sweetly doing things just to get information. Bruce types on his computer. Telling her to make his hearing blur. She waved her hands doing just that. Loki thought to himself 'Oh hear we go again.'

"He was talking to someone last night, but o lay he could see them, the camera didn't pick it up either," Bruce said playing back the video. She could see him talking to someone.

"Get out of here."

She focused on the place he was talking to. Using her manipulation to see if there was any heat signatures. But it wouldn't work. She looked at Bruce. He looked back at her. Loki had been screaming in his cell but they couldn't hear it. She crossed her arms. Bruce did to.

"Can we get cameras with heat and cold sensitivity out in his cell," she asked. He nods

"But what if he gets curious," Bruce asks. She looked at Loki who was still screaming. She waved her hand and unlocks the door to his chamber. Bruce was confused but he didn't question her. Loki doesn't move, but she enters his cell and grabs him by the arm.

"How would you like to take a walk, with the company of Bucky of course," she asked. He looks confused but he doesn't say anything.

"Good, Bruce clean his cell," she says. He nods understanding.

"Do you have to be so secretive all the time," he asked. She looked at him as if that were a stupid question. She walks him out in the hall. Bucky had been resting against the wall but he stood firm when he seen her with Loki.

"What are you doing," Bucky asks. She waved her hand and causes Loki to def again.

"He's been talking with someone, I'm having Bruce install heat and cold sensitivity camera in his chamber, to see who it is, we just need him out for an hour," she says. He hates this idea, but he nods. She waved her hand and he can suddenly hear again.

"Stop doing that," he says. She jerks him, and Bucky grabs his other arm.

They escort him to the meeting room, where Thor was talking with Falcon, they looked rather deep in conversation. Bucky clears his throat, and Thor looks around. And he isn't happy about seeing Loki out of his cell. So he is about to ask when she waved her hand and she deafens Loki again. He really hated that. She explained what was going on.

"We just need him away for an hour, Bruce is setting them up now," she said. Thor looked at Falcon.

"Well, he can't do magic in those cuffs, so, I guess as long as you two can keep a watch on him, but if he gets away, I'm blaming you Beth," Thor says. She nods. And she waved her hand again and he can hear once more.

"Okay, I don't care what you are up to, but please stop doing that, it's very.."

"Upsetting, aggravating, shall I go on," she asked. He rolls his eyes and she slams him down in a chair. She opens his mouth in a half grin.

"So what, you just play rough with me, try to get answers by beating them out of me, I might like the pain," he says being cruel. She glared at him. Bucky steps closer to him but she stops him.

"Don't flatter yourself, I'm not going this for your pleasure trust me," she said. He smirked.

"So your pleasure then," he asked. Bucky was getting heated.

"Again, don't flatter yourself, you aren't my type," she said. Looking at Bucky. He laughs, softly. Loki looks from Beth to Bucky.

"What someone who was redeemed then, trust me I'm your type," he says. But he rolls his eyes at her.

"And how do you think that," She asks. Bucky is on the other side of the table. She comes to the front to sit in front of him. She sits on the table not thinking about how close they were.

"Well, according to Bruce I had a revolution, a real eye opener, and fought along side of him, not that I remember it, I'm from a different timeline, but I changed," he said. She glares at him.

"Yeah, in a different timeline, you're still the same Loki as you were in New York the TVA hasn't taken that from you," she said. That struck his nerve. He raised up to her. In anger.

"They took more than you think, from me, no judgement to you, but you have no idea what you're dealing with," he said in hostility. She jumps back. Seeing him so mad, made her skin crawl. Bucky comes to the front of him, pushing him back down in his seat, and places a knife to his throat.

"Don't you ever, try that again," Bucky says. Loki seemed to calm down relaxing what he had done.

"Beth, I'm sorry, I lost my temper," he said. Thor dropped his expression having watched the whole thing play out.

"He apologized to her, Loki said he was sorry," he said with confusion. Loki never apologized for something like that. But TVA had done something to him. And Thor knew this.

"Loki, what happened with the TVA," Thor asked. He shook his head, tears forming in his eyes. Bucky backed away from him. Thor looked at Bucky.

"Take Beth away from him," Thor said. Bucky nods to Thor and walks away with Beth on this arm. She looks back, but Loki doesn't look at her. He feels bad that he got so angry. She was only trying to help him.

"Brother, you can't defeat them."

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