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Two days passed and there was no sign of Modiur. She thought he had given up for now. But the truth was, he was actually waiting for the right moment. And today was Thursday. A great day to pop in, right? Well in his mind, no. But it was as good as any. And he decided to pop in for a visit. Beth was in her room, preparing for the day. Getting her research together and thinking about what might help with her power surge.

"Hello dear," she hears behind her. Modiur showed up at the worst time. On a Thursday almost the end of the week, and he really knew how to 'charm' the ladies.

"Great, make this quick I have research to get back to," she turns. He grins at her. He was Insane. And his smile said so.

"Oh, don't be that way I thought we were getting along great," he said. She rolls her eyes and gathers her notes up in her arms.

"No, you have harassed Loki for weeks, and now you are harassing me, we aren't friends," she said. He chuckled.

"You have a soft spot for him don't you," he says. He asking about Loki. She clears her throat.

"He's a friend and more than you, besides, he hasn't tried killing anyone," she pauses, "But you, tried to kill him."

"Only because he stole the prism and messed up time and space dear," he said. She rolled her eyes and snickers.

"Right, he was saving himself, nothing wrong with that, but then you wouldn't understand it because of what he is right?"

"Beth, being what he is and having that power, it's dangerous, you'd do well to remember that, Loki cares about himself and in the end he will choose his own ass over you," he said. She was getting heated. And Loki was walking by, he could hear her talking but he didn't say anything. He stood listening to her. And somehow he could hear Moduir as well.

"And you'll do well to remember that he turned over a new leaf and is part of OUR team and you will NOT talk down about him that way," she says trying to scoot past him but he stepped in front of her again, not realizing he was an Astro projection.

"Loki is selfish and he doesn't care about anyone but Loki, he may find you amusing and sweet but he does not care about you as much as he does himself. And if he was out in a situation to save himself or you he would push you in front of the bus," he said. She rolls her eyes and walks over to her desk.

"Listen creepy little man, I'm a scientist and I have power, you will do well to remember that I know when someone is dangerous or lying and you, are both of those things. Heed my advice and get out of my head, or you'll regret it," she said. But she couldn't hide her fear. She feared him. The TVA was dangerous.

"Listen cupcake, I wouldn't be to quick to threaten, we can make things happen that you wouldn't believe. If I wanted you I could have you. If I wanted Loki dead he would be, I'm just pulling strings, but keep talking to me like that and you won't know what hit you," he said. She turns to him. She nods to him.

"Keep thinking that, see where it gets you," she said walking through him. He didn't leave though.

"Oh, before I forget, Loki can be easily manipulated. He will always choose trickery over trust and friends," he said. But she ignored him.

LOKI Pulls a disappearing act and leaves before Beth leaves her room. She feels less confident than she did. She couldn't hide back her fear any longer. Moduir disappeared as well. And she slides down the wall almost in defeat. He was very cruel and didn't deserve any mercy she hated him.

Thor comes through the hall seeing her crying. He quickly comes to her side. And he feels sorry for her. His heart was breaking for her. He didn't know what was going on but he knew what happened in the lab. And he thought maybe she was just scared. Or maybe it was to much for her.

"Beth, are you alright," Thor asks. She looks up, tears staining her face. She nodded.

"I was visited, but, it was not about my power, it was about your brother," she said. He was confused. And he helped her to her feet. Seeing her like this was heart breaking indeed for him. He felt for her.

"He said Loki wouldn't choose me or any of us, that he would always save himself," she said. Thor shakes his head.

"Don't listen Beth, Loki cares for me, and he care for you, he would NEVER let anyone anyone kill us, not that they could, but he wouldn't allow that to happen, Modiur knows this he wants you to doubt him, don't," Thor says. She nods. Maybe he was right. Maybe he was trying to turn her against Loki.

Just then Captain comes up the hall. The new captain. He was concerned for everyone as well. He knew a Loki would never let any harm come to her. And when Thor explains what happened he told her that. Loki felt a connection with her. And she then took the words into her mind. Modiur was evil and cruel. And he was bullying her into doubting Loki. Because he knew Loki would go to great lengths to keep her safe.

"Get everyone together," Thor says. And he leaves the Captain with Beth. Captain looks at her and grins.

"I guess we should gather the troops," he says.

They roam the building gathering everyone. Bruce, Bucky, black panther, Loki, star boy, ant man, Gamora, Nebula(who had taken an interest in Beth). Everyone they could gather. And they meet in the meeting room. Beth sets beside Bruce and waits until Thor tells them what they were doing.

"It has come to my attention that Moduir might come to Midgard or earth, to gather a couple of very smart and brave troops, Loki and Beth, so, we need to be prepared for that, I say we start working on that surge, so we can all be prepared to see what Beth and Loki have both seen, and know what we are dealing with," Thor says. Loki looks at him, and back to the group. Beth stands up.

"I got it, I know how to turn the surge on," she said remembering something she had heard.

"Loki, you took the power stone, did you bring it back with you," she asked. He opens his mouth to speak but Nebula stands up.

"Actually we have it, after he took it and fell back to earth, the stone fell with him, we have it here," she said. Beth smiles.

"I need a ring made if I wear it, it should allow my power to be ten times more elevated than normal without risking my life," she said. Loki steps down.

"Beth, the power stone could drain you," he said. She shakes her head.

"Not if I wear it long enough to surge my power and take it off, then I can allow all of you to see him," she said smiling. She had it. Loki looks at Thor.

"I don't like this brother," he speaks.

"Loki, it is her choice," Thor says. Loki gets angry.

"It's risky, she could perish if this isn't done exactly as it should be," Loki yells. Bruce stands up.

"Loki, I don't like you and you know that, however I feel I must tell you, yes there are risks but we will be there to take it off if it goes to far," Bruce tells Loki. Beth looks at Bruce. Thor is trying to convince himself it would be the right thing to do.

"It's Beths choice," Thor says. Loki looks at Beth. She nods to him.

"I'll do it."

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