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Three days past since the speech Thor had given to the group. And since Loki decided to join forces with them. Beth has forgiven him but she was keeping her guard up. She didn't know from one minute to the next if he would shut her out and say horrible things to her again. He tried keeping himself distant but not so much he didn't speak to her.

Loki had told everyone he'd be safer in the cell, no one could get hurt that way. It was precautionary in case Moduir decided to come back. He didn't want him convincing him to do anything to any of the avengers. He was part of the team now. And he cared for Beth. And to be honest he knew how much power Beth would have to unlock to use her power for everyone to see Moduir when he came.

Beth had been in the lab with Bruce and Bucky. She was trying to research objects that could help with the power surge. Something that wouldn't kill her but strong enough to help. And so far she hadn't found a thing. And Bruce being the gentle green giant he was, tried to sympathize with her. He had told her they would find it eventually. And she didn't want to wait. She was afraid that Loki would start seeing him again. And she was right.

While down in the lab, Loki had started looking in front of him again. And he seen him. But the others didn't. So Beth focused her energy into her mind. Manipulated it into seeing him. Moduir. He had blonde sandy hair and a posh look about him. Loki was not happy with seeing him. And she could hear him also. And that's when Bruce and Bucky was as confused as they ever were.

"Loki, we talked about this, I know you're feelings, and when we get to you, we will get to her, besides her mind is so powerful, we could use someone like her," Modiur said. Loki stands angrily. He growls once and Modiur laughs.

"Oh, you can't touch me dear pet, I'm just an Astro projection, but nice try though," he says to Loki's. Beth watches not allowing him to see her. Loki is so angry he wants use his power on him but he couldn't.

"You will not touch her, she is not a puppet," Loki growls. Modiur laughs again. Beth was watching his actions. He seemed to stay in one area. Maybe he couldn't get to any other area.

"Poor Loki, everyone is a puppet at some point, she is special, unlike anyone we've ever seen, manipulative of the mind, making people believe things, see things, and you, you have feelings for her, I told you, I would get to the ones you cared for most, and I intend too, and now that I know she can see me, I won't have to visit with you as often," Moduir says looking at Beth. Loki also looks at Beth. This was not good. She knew he could see her. And he was going to be coming to her. Every chance he could.

"YOU LEAVE HER ALONE," Loki screams to him. Moduir laughs. But looks at Beth.

"Beautiful Beth, I'll be seeing you," he says before disappearing. Loki looked at Beth and he shook his head in fear and sorrow. He didn't mean for him to find out. But he knew now. Bucky and Bruce looked to both of them. Confused.

"Beth?" Bucky questions.

"He seen me, Modiur of the TVA he seen me he knows I can see him and he said he would come to me," Beth said looking at Bucky. He looked paralyzed. Bruce too. Loki stands up turning his back away from them.

"Beth, he can't touch you, he's not real, yet couldn't you manipulate your own mind to not see him," Bucky says. But she knew it couldn't be done like that.  She had turned it on now, she couldn't undo it.

"I'm sorry Bucky, it doesn't work that way, I didn't mean for him to know but he does," she stopped looking at a Loki who was facing away from her and tears streaming his face. He didn't mean for this to happen.

"But he will leave Loki alone now, end my mind is stronger, I can handle him," she said. Loki looks up, and wipes his face turning around.

"Don't be to sure, he has a way of getting under the surface of your mind, what you think is only a mirage will come to surface, he will come for you Beth," Loki said. She swallowed a lump in her throat. And Bucky looked at her.

"And when he does, I will kill him," he said. He felt something for Beth too. And Loki could tell it. And he nods.

"I will surrender to him before he takes her," Loki said. Beth shook her head. She didn't want Loki doing that. He meant something to her. They were getting close. Better than when they first met. He was opening up to her. And Bruce could see that.

"Maybe there's a way," Bruce said. They all looked at him in confusion. Not realizing that he was a scientist and he was very smart. Big green guy was very brilliant.

"This may seem unusually rash but, sometimes hallucinations can cause what is real to be less, real," he said. That was confusing to them all, except for Beth.

"Tranquil pills, yes, that's it, the way to keep him out of my head and for me to ignore him is a low dose of hallucination drugs such as tranquilizer pills, enough for a small dog, it would block him out but keep me, some what sane at the same time," she said. And she was right. And Bruce knew that! Loki looked confused but if she knew what she was talking about, he would not disagree with her. In fact, he also agreed to allow her to do what was absolutely necessary to keep him away from her.

"So we just drug her when she sees him and he goes away?" Bucky asks.

"On the contrary, we give her a couple of weeks, see what days he comes to her, I've noticed a pattern when he visited Loki, whatever days he shows up, she takes the drug that morning, and No Modiur," Bruce spoke. All was in agreement.

And this was only the beginning of their troubles. And Loki knew it wouldn't keep him out long, but he also agreed to it, but since he was the one being left alone, he could be free to roam, but Beth was to be guarded at all times. And she was okay with that. It was safer for them all.

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