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Beth tried for days to have Dr. Strange send her to wherever Loki was. But Loki had told him to NOT allow her to go where he was. It was to dangerous. And if they were together, they'd be caught together. And it was risky to do so. But she wouldn't give up. And she hounded him so many times. This was the fourth day she tried. Friday exactly.

"Please doctor I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important and you know that," she begged. Thor started to walk in but he stopped outside of the door along with Panther.

"Beth, I told him I wouldn't, and I may be more powerful, but he changed for us, or you, and I'm not deceiving him, I'm not doing it," he said. She slams her hand down on the desk he had. He looks at her in shock.

"Listen doctor, he's in danger, and if anything happens to him, his head is on your hands, can you risk it being your fault, because everyone here would blame you, me included," she said. He looks down at her hand and back up to her eyes.

"I would live, but you can't put yourself at risk too," he said. Thor looks at panther. He shrugs.

"I would risk anything for him, I left him on bad terms and threatened to kill him myself and called him a traitor, and I was wrong, I have to tell him that," she told him. He sighed. And placed a hand on his side.

"Beth, you care for him, and he hasn't always been reliable. But I know he wouldn't like it if I just gave you his location, or brought you there, it's not easy to keep you safe for his sake because he's not my favorite person, but he promised to keep TVA away from us, and I promised to keep you here," he said. She chuckled. Thor stepped inside.

"Doctor, perhaps you would sacrifice my brother, and at some point I would have done the same, but he cares for her and she cares for him and for Loki that's huge, believe me, but he's our responsibility he's a part of us, and if you can't understand that then maybe you aren't a part of our team because no one gets left behind on this team," Thor says. Beth mouths a thank you. He nods. Strange sighs. Then he opens a portal.

"Fine, but You go with her, seems as though she might need protecting, and not from TVA, Loki will be furious, but remember, I warned you, he's on the banks of New Zealand, I placed him in a cabin, not far from the cliffs," strange said. Thor looks at Beth and he gestures her in, and she walks into the portal, with Thor trailing her.

They step out into a warm New Zealand, where the sun had been hiding. Thor grabs ahold of her, they were wearing normal clothes. Thor was in jeans and a flannel, she wore a regular pair of jeans with a button up green shirt. They look to each other. And she shrugs.

"Strange said that he was in a cottage not far from the cliffs, so, since we are right here at the cliffs we should be close," she said. Thor nods. He looks around

"Ah, up ahead, there," he says. Pointing at a small cabin a few thousand feet from where they were standing. She was nervous but excited at the same time. They began walking.

"Hey Thor, I'm sorry about all of this," she said. He chuckled.

"Beth, please, it's my fault. You are special and I should have told you that, you heard me wrong and Loki did as well, I wasn't trying to upset you or him in anyway, I just didn't word it right, but I do think you are special, you're a great person and you have the most unique power, and it makes you very capable," he said. She smiled at him.

They stop in front of the cabin. It looked unused. And like it had not been kept up in a long time. They look at each other. And they shrug. She knocks on the door. They look at each other again and they wait. But no one answered. So she knocks again. And they wait. But still no one answers. So she looks in the window. And Loki was no where in sight. So they made the assumption that he may have been in town, getting a drink or food.

Both walk back down the hills and head into town. They are tired when they get there. But Thor is very capable of bouncing back. And it was unusual for him to stay tired. He had energy for days. They had made it to town where there was a cavern, like a bar. Loki didn't drink much. But there was food in the cavern and they hoped they would find him there. But there was no sign of him when they stepped inside. There were a lot of people here but none were him.

"What if he disguised himself, like he does sometimes," she asked. Thor snaps his attention to her.

"Hey, that's brilliant, he's probably not himself, he may be hiding, trying to stay off radar," he said. She nods.

"If we wait at his cabin he will come back, and more than likely change back into himself, or be whoever he is disguised as," Thor said. She nods. And they get up to leave. But then Thor bumps into someone and he was carrying a tray of drinks, and he spills it all over Thor.

"My apologies, I didn't see you," the man said. He was tall brown hair. And he had green eyes. He looked at Thor and he looked surprised.


"Yes, that's me," Thor said. The guy clears his throat nervously.

"Right you know who you are, sorry um, what are you doing here," he asks. Thor was confused. But Beth looked at him. She recognized his eyes.

"I'm here on a family matter," Thor says. Beth stands up and he notices her. His eyes go wide. And she knew then.

"Thor," she said. He puts a hand up.

"How much were these drinks kind fellow we will pay for them," Thor says. The boy looks at Beth.

"Thor, I have to tell you something," Beth says. He looks at her.

"Hold on Beth I'm talking to the gentleman," Thor said.

"Yes but Thor," Beth said. Thor snaps his head to her.

"I said just a minute dear," he said looking at the man.

"Okay but I'm pretty sure you want to hear this," she said looking out the window. He sighs.

"Yes Beth what is it," Thor says. She turns her attention to him.

"The man you are helping, we'll say hi to your family matter," she says. He looks at the man and looks into his eyes.


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