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Beth wasn't the same. She was different. Changed somehow. She was more aggressive in her training with Wanda. She was more, agile. Being around Loki gave her a purpose and now she was just another stupid avenger. Just waiting for a signal. Days had gone by and eventually a week, after that two weeks. And she was upset that Thor pushed her from her task. She trusted Loki enough to know he would not hurt her. and he would not.

Loki spent his days screaming, falling apart. He talked to those demons a lot. More than he ever did. And Bruce was getting worried. It was getting to frequent. Every other night he would be talking. Telling them he couldn't do it. He wouldn't betray her. Bruce was getting extremely worried. He wanted to help Loki but New York kept coming to his mind. But he did see a change. And he felt bad for him.

Beth enters the meeting room, where everyone was having a meeting. The star lord was back now. Something must have been happening. Something big. And to be honest, Beth wished it would. Maybe they would come back and break Loki out. Maybe he would finally be away from all of the negative energy he was getting.

"We've got word, something is going on up there, the time space continuum is radiating light big time," Rocket says. Thor looks to Bruce. Who was in fear of this.

"That means we haven't got much time, whoever the TVA is, will be coming probably within a few short weeks, we need to be ready," Bruce said. Thor agrees. It looks at the other scientist, Beth. He wanders why she's so silent.

"Beth," Thor says. She doesn't look at him but turns to Bruce.

"If they come, Loki isn't safe, they want him, I'm not sure why, Bruce didn't you say they want him to do something he's been talking with them again right," she asked ignoring Thor. He notices and excuses it. Bruce nods.

"He's been talking more frequently to someone, he says he can't do it, he won't betray them, probably meaning us, but wherever they want with him it's not good," Bruce says. Thor takes a deep breath and let's it out.

"Thor, he will only speak to Beth," Bruce says. Everyone else was just simply listening.

"He's right, I hate to admit it but, Beth gained his trust he likes her, he will talk to her," Bucky says. Falcon steps up, as well as Nebula.

"It is possible he will tell her everything," Nebula says. Falcon looks at Thor.

"Put your pride away, let her talk to him," he said. Thor looks at Beth who stood silent pursing her lips. He notices a sudden change in her attitude. It was Loki. He was causing the smiles and the laughter. He really did a number on her.

"Fine, Beth, Bruce and Bucky, all of you..."

"Alone Thor, he won't speak when we are present," Bucky says. Thor does not like it. Bruce agreed with Bucky. He wanted to see Beth. And he would stop at nothing, to see her. He would get out if she didn't visit.

"Fine, but I don't want him out of that cage," he told Beth she nods. He dismisses her. In hopes he's doing the right thing.

"Are we sure about this," Thor asked. Bruce nods, and Dr. Strange interrupts.

"If I can be so bold, I seen Loki the day she released him, he's not the same as he was before, he's changed and she has changed him, they have more in common than you know," he says. Thor was confused by that. Dr. Strange looks at him with disbelief.

"Thor, didn't you read her file?"

"I read enough to know she's smart and she's capable," Thor said. Dr. Strange scuffs at him.

"She was given to the military by her parents. Because they said she was a monster, she was twenty when she got out and went to school, there's more to Beth than you think," he says. Thor look down to the grown in disbelief.

"My god, that's what Loki thought that we thought of him," he said putting his hammer on the table in front of him. He regretted keeping them apart. They had to much in common for this to be a coincidence. She was viewed as a monster by her own mother and father. As Loki's adopted father felt of him for a while.

"If anyone can help him, she can," Falcon said. Thor nods to him. True, she was getting close but for good reason. She knew she could help him. Maybe break the shell around him.

Beth runs to the lab, in her leather, and walks in. Loki looks up not thinking he would see her. But he smiles as she walks inside. And gets up from his seat. He's genuinely glad to see her. She runs to the glass and she's happy too. They were becoming friends. And Loki was okay with having a friend. He liked having friends. Just not to the likes of Thor. Or anyone like him.

"Beth, are you truly here," he asks. She nods to him.

"Thor agreed to let me come speak with you again, we don't have much time, there is a war brewing," she said. He looked surprised. And some what scared.

"It's the TVA isn't it," he asked turning around. She tells him it is. And now would have been a good time to push him for questions. But she didn't. He turns back to her.

"They are after you Loki," she says. He grins knowing.

"I know, and you are in danger because of me," he said. He felt guilty for coming back. Becoming friends with Beth just to put her in this danger.

"No matter, Thor will never let me go, I'm here, and everyone will be in danger, because of me," he said. His face fell. She walks to the panel, opening his door. He looks up at her confused. She walks in slowly.

"Tell me Loki, what are they," she asked. He bows his head. And he looks back up.

"They keep time where it is supposed to be, but they want to destroy the ones who messed with it in the first place, the avengers, and me," he said. This was more than she had gotten before. So they wanted them dead? And it didn't matter what avengers, they were going to kill everyone.

"How do they plan to do that," she asked him. He puts a hand on his hip and the other rubs his face.

"They have nukes that will wipe everyone out, within a hundred yard capacity, it was their plan to have me captured, to kill me along with all of you, I can't get them out of my head," he said, tears starting to rise. She looks at him, with compassion.

"That's who you've been talking too," she says. He just looks at her, and nods.

"They are almost ready."

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