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The next day, everyone woke up as normal, and dressed. All in their hero attire. Bruce was to escort Beth in the meeting room. No one had given her a hero name yet, though if this worked out she had an idea. Wanda, came in to help her dress. Black leather, with green and red stripes. She looked good. And she was ready to get this over with.

"Wanda, if something happens to me, I want you to know I always admired you," Beth said. She grinned and shook her head.

"If you want I can help hold the power inside the ring, it could help," she said. She could do that?

"Wait, you mean I would be safe?" Beth asks.

"Yes and no, you may pass out from the excitement but you wouldn't die, I could slip the ring off at anytime, telepathy remember," she said. That's it!!

"Wanda, you're a genius, if it gets to much, pull it off of me," Beth said as she ran past her. She passed a few friends in the hall.

Wanda got up and followed her. She ran to the meeting room and waited for everyone to get there. But the first ones after her and Wanda, were Bruce, Bucky, and Thor. And she was excited to get started. The ring box was in her pocket. And she was stocked about what she heard. Everyone else gathered in and Loki trailed behind them. She didn't expect him to show up. She cared for him more than she realized. He was misunderstood and he turned over a new leaf.

"I have something to announce," Beth said. Bruce walked up beside her.

"Wanda has just informed me that she has the power to remove the ring if the ring gets to be to much to handle, also she can use her power to make the rings power stay inside the ring," Beth said. Loki had his attention to her and he steps closer.

"So with that being said, let's get started," Beth said. Everyone watched as Beth pulls the ring out, and slowly places it on her ring finger.

Wanda readies herself. Today was Monday and if all went well it wouldn't feel that way. It would be party time. And she was ready for this to be over with. So she takes a breath and everyone in the room watched as she began to unlock the rings power. Wanda places her hand in front of Beths hand Concentrating on keeping the power inside the ring. The ring began to glow. It wasn't long before Beth began to feel it's power, surging through her.

Wanda held the power as long as she could. And her power slowed down with the power of the ring making it impossible to keep at bay. Loki noticed the sudden stop. And Beth began turning a glow in the midst of the power of the ring. And she felt powerful. And she kept thinking, maybe she could give the lot the ability to see things only her and Loki could see. And in one swift motion of her other hand she began work her power on the group. Not realizing it was eating at her. She wanted them to be able to see him. To hear him.

"Someone stop her, it's killing her," Loki says. Wanda looks at him and she shakes her head.

"No, Loki it's not, at all, she has a great power, to control and manipulate, and she's making the ring think she's in charge, it's giving her the power, this ring she wears was made for her, and we didn't realize it," Wanda says. But it was eating her very existence she wouldn't be the same. And once she finished the last person in the room, she wouldn't be the same Beth and he knew that.

"You don't understand Wanda, it won't be Beth anymore, this power will change her, she needs to stop," Loki screams. Loki began running towards her. She finished with the others but the only person left in the room was Wanda, and she knew if she finished, the rings power would be in her and she would be a different Beth. Loki was right. So Wanda did as promised. She used her power. Focusing on pulling the ring off.

It slid off as quick as it went on. And Wanda grabs it, pulling it inside the box. Beth falls down, Bruce notices catching her before she hit her head. And she had passed out. It took a lot to give that power. But she wasn't gone. Wanda didn't want the power to see him. Because she could travel inside of Beths head and mind anyway. And she didn't need the power. Neither did Loki.

"She's fine, she is still breathing, Loki, how did you know," Bruce asked. All eyes fell on Loki. He looked around the room, realizing he was on the jury. And he was being questioned.

"Because, that stone almost destroyed me too, and I'm a god," he said. Thor looked at Loki. He was confused. And Beth began to move under Bruce. Loki was happy to see her alive.

"Loki, how did it almost destroy you," Thor asked. Loki sighed.

"When I tried escaping, I used it to enhance my power and it almost worked but if I hadn't dropped it, it would have killed me. I felt it taking over my soul, it was changing my very existance," he said. Beth opened her eyes.

"It was molding you, into someone else, into something more dangerous," she said. He nods and bends to her.

"You felt it?"

"I felt my soul leaving, my very spirit, it was moving and something else was trying to come in," she said to him. He nods to her.

"If she hadn't grabbed the ring, you would have become something dark and she vile, I warned everyone, I'm happy you are safe, but that ring, should be destroyed," he said. She nodded. She took slow breaths. Before falling back into a slumber.

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