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Back at the agency everyone exits the ship. And among them all were two Thor's. Everyone gave them both odd looks. The fake Thor begins to smile maniacally. And Thor looks at him, in a weird notion. Beth looks at them both. And Bruce is trying to see if it's his glasses. But it was not his glasses. There were two of them. Nick shows up, and he gets just as confused.

"So, what's with the stunt double," Nick asks. Thor steps in line with the rest while Beth stands beside the fake Thor.

"Well, Nick, I decided to make a copy of myself, play a trick on everyone, meet the other me," Thor says. Nick is confused and very worried for Thor.

"When did he have time to copy himself?" Nebula asked. She didn't understand.

"Actually, I didn't, but I think I know what's going," Thor said. The fake Thor didn't say a word.

"You see while Loki was off radar, he had a plan, come back, fake his death, become me, and take over the agency with the help of Beth, however, his plan didn't work because there are two of me which is impossible," Thor said. The fake Thor sighs and changes back. And Loki graces them with his presence and no one is happier than Beth.

"Well, it's nice to see you Loki, I was worried you were dead," Korg said. He looked at Korg with confusion.

"Well, I was worried I was dead as well, but the body you seen lying on the pavement happened to be a guard, after I was shanked, and told me true feelings, I traded places with a dead guard and became my dearest brother," he said. Beth stepped in front of him.

"You faked your death?" She asked. He looked taken back. So Thor looks at Nick and he motions them away from the other two.

"Well now Beth in my defense, it motivated you to kill the other two, and-"

"Loki, you made me believe you were dead," she said. He grabs her arms.

"Then please forgive my selfishness, but I am god of mischief," he said before catching himself, "oh dear that didn't come out right, I just well, I wanted to protect you."

"I know and I appreciate it but you could not have clued me in on your plan first, I cried for two hours," she said. Nick and the others watched from the door. Thor was betting he'd kiss her, to shut her up, but Wanda thought the other way.

"Just you wait," Thor said. Wanda snickered. Nick looked at the two of them.

"Okay, my guess is both of them will be equally proud and just kiss each other does this really matter," Nick said. They looked at each other and away at the two of them.

"I meant every word Beth, you've changed me, and though it feels different, I would be someone completely different for you, I love you."

"I know, and i meant to tell you how I get too, I just, didn't know how you felt, but I love you, and I have since the first time I broke you out,"she said. He smiled at her. And the others watch as both of them lean in to each other, placing a simple kiss on earth arch others lips.

"Alright whatever the bet was pay up," Nick said. So both of them handed Nick a $10 bill. And he laughed.

As the days went on though, and smaller issues arrived, they fought, all of them together, and instead of just avengers, now they had a villain and he was welcomed in, with open arms. After saving the world and Beth, he ought to have been. And he found himself in her, they were more in love everyday. And the team was stronger together.

But was that really the end of their battles?

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