She met with Nebula, not knowing what to expect. But once she arrived, Nebula had Wanda with her. And this seemed like an intervention or a sleepover type deal. Either way she was worried about what might be going on. So she waited for someone to start talking. And then Wanda being Wanda, began by speaking to them both.

"The guardians are arriving, so I feel it's up to me to say this, since Nebula moved here with us, Gamora has lost touch, just a bit, and as sisters, it's not healthy so, maybe Nebula, you should let Beth control what you say," Wanda says. Beth was stunned by her opening statement. She wanted Beth to control Nebulas mind. That was not a normal thing to ask of someone. Nebula looked at Wanda as if she had lost her mind.

"Pardon, you want Beth to bend my mind," Nebula asks. Wanda nods but she was pretty sure of herself.

"I think not, I can handle my sister, we are family, trouble runs deep in family you will due well to remember that Wanda," she said. Wanda clears her throat and apologizes.

"It's just that, you two aren't exactly the die hard sisters, you are the kill each other when one says something wrong, type" Wanda says. Nebula glares at her.

"I will contain myself, but my mind will not be altered," Nebula says. Beth agrees. Only because Nebula wasn't made as a human. She was a robot. And she couldn't actually control her.

I loud whirling sound, draws the women out of Nebulas chambers. Thor and Falcon run out of the meeting room, and out the door. Beth follows the others outside. Bucky stands beside her. She grins at him, waiting for the large ship to land. The wind from it was pretty brutal. Nebula was front line. Along with Thor and Falcon.

The ship lands and the door opens. And from the front line was Star lord and Drax. Behind them was Gamora, Rocket and Groot. He had grown since anyone had seen him. And rocket was proud of him. He had grown into the most respectful root. And everyone had respected him.

"We are back!" Star lord yells. Thor smiles while chuckling. Falcon doesn't sho me any emotions. He just stands. Gamora takes one look at Nebula and glares.

"Sister," she says to her. Nebula didn't reply. They fought by each other and now they were fighting each other, that seemed like a normal sibling quarrel.

"Okay, well, everyone welcome," Thor speaks. They stand in a line, and everyone turns to Beth. Beth gives a smile and a wave. Bucky moves to the side. Gamora comes closer to Beth. As well as Drax, who waved at Nebula on the way. She smiles and waved back. They always liked each other.

"Beth, you are raging with power, you are the one that is going unlock Loki?" Gamora asks.

"I-uh-yes," she says. Stammering. Why did she make her so nervous?

"Well, good luck, he's a touch but to crack," Gamora says turning to Thor. She nods to him. He grins and the guardians all take the meeting inside.

She made Beth feel inferior. And that was something that didn't happen a lot. But she was more of a hard ass than Beth was. But eventually, she would warm up to her. So Beth follows them all inside. Bucky behind her. Bucky was a very sweet and kind person. After he changed, he became soft. And he liked helping others. Not everyone was like him.

Inside the meeting room, there were more members than before, Valkyrie, Black Panther, and ant man. We're all gathered around the table. And in comes Dr strange. Who portaled in with Wasp. Along with the others Beth had met. She introduced herself to the rest of the team and the meeting began. Thor thought it was necessary to have Hulk in there as well.

"Okay, Bruce has been informing us on Loki's behavior when we are all, testing, so far he's only been reading, eating fruit, and walking around the chamber, he sleeps a couple of hours and then gets back up and it's the same routine," Thor says. Black panther stands up.

"So we let him live, after everything he's done," he says. Thor could not believe he would even say that. It was still his brother.

"Yes, Loki is a lot of things, but right now he's lost, whatever TVA, done to him, he's not himself, and it's taken a toll on him, he's still my brother," Thor said. Beth looked at Panther. He wasn't happy about it. He didn't like Loki. Did anyone? But they forgot to realize..Loki had changed, but why was he so confused, and dazed?

"So, Beth is going to do what exactly, have a chat with him, in hopes he will give her answers," Panther asks. Thor was getting upset with him, he understood his frustration.

"Panther, enough, something happened to my brother with TVA and she can gain his trust, figure out what they are after, maybe help us understand them," Thor says. Panther looks away, placing his hand on his mouth. And Thor notices Beth, uncomfortable.

"Beth, tell us what you think," Thor asks. Beth just looks around the room. She stands up.

"Well, I agree Loki is not all there right now, he basically is a strand of himself, he needs help, but he also needs punishment for what he done, and he left a different timeline, coming back to one where you learn you were a changed man, it takes a toll on a person, I can try my best to gain his trust, and get information," she says. Thor nods.

"Then we have a plan, but Bruce," Thor looks at Bruce who was taking a selfie. Bruce quickly puts his phone away. Thor rolls his eyes.

"Gods, Bruce, you will be there with her at all times, there is no way I'm letting her alone with him," Thor says. Bruce nods to Thor. Korg stands.

"Sir, as someone who followed Loki before, should we stay clear," he asked. Thor gets a sense of confusion.

"Yes, for now the only one who needs to go see him is Beth, she's new and she can gain his trust better than any of us, he wouldn't remember you anyway Korg," Thor says. Korg bows his head. Bruce pats him.

"Sorry big guy," Bruce says. Korg shrugs and sighs.

They each had their assignments. Gamora would be on the lookout, for any sign of TVA entering the atmosphere. Beth would visit with Loki and gain his trust hopefully discovering what they wanted with him. Bull remained with Beth. Bucky would be on the outside, guarding the door. Making sure no one came in. Falcon or captain..would run the operation along side of Thor. Panther would stand guard on the outside. Making sure no one tried attacking the facility. Korg would also stand guard. Wasp and any man would be on stand by. Listening to radio broadcasts for any crime in case they needed to leave and help, along with Wanda. Drax and Nebula would wait, Rocket and Groot would also wait.

And the real fun was about to begin. Not for Beth. But for the rest of the team.

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