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Hearing him say anything about the TVA was a big accomplishment. But he wouldn't be so open about their plans. He buried them deep in his mind. They had already assumed that the TVA protected time, so it wasn't much information to go on for sure. And Beth had hope that she would get the answers from him eventually. She hoped it was before they would arrive.

She stepped outside of the chamber and he bowed his head. Possibly not wanting to remember what happened to, or because he was still ashamed of how he handled things with Beth. Bruce had watched him silk for days and talk to his demons. But they didn't know it wasn't demons. Not to spoil the very thing that anyone would keep hidden until time to reveal, but he was not talking to ghosts or demons. It was something more.

The day was spent talking with Thor and Falcon about Loki. She told them what he told her, to which they weren't happy, they didn't have enough information on the TVA yet. They didn't know what they were planning, but they hoped soon she would know. Bucky and Korg, became buddies in a sense. Stepping outside of the facility to take a breath together. Korg was fond of Bucky as he was fond of Thor. Nebula and Gamora put aside some differences, to work beside Wanda, researching everything that was TVA. Star lord and Drax joined Rocket and Groot in space. Just to keep an eye out.

"So until we get our answers, keep pushing, spend more time in the chamber with him, poke him, make him trust you," Thor says sternly. But she was trying. She had done everything for a solid week she had been trying. And she would try again.

Days on days had gone by and she still couldn't get anything out him. Just sly remarks and cunning sarcasm. As Loki usually would have it. Before they knew it two solid weeks were gone, and they still didn't have any information. He didn't bargain with her anymore. His cuffs were gone so why would he? But he did enjoy her company. He found her intriguing and amusing. She was warming up to him, getting use to his sadistic ways.

"I don't care if you have to torture him, get the answers we need, now," Thor says to Beth sternly. She was surprised at his tone. Bucky puts an arm in front of her.

"Back up man, she's trying," he said. He turns to the window. He looks out the window as if he was watching for something.

"My brother had become, less evil, but he's still a closed book, I can feel something happening, time is moving quickly, and I feel we may be running out of time," Thor says. Beth sighs, because she is trying her best to get close to him, she sat with him, and talked to him, mostly about her. He listened. He wouldn't reply until she was done. He found her very entertaining.

"I'm sorry Thor I really am trying, he's not as cruel and mean as he was before, so that's something," she said trying to deflect his anger. He sighs at her and bridges his nose between his fingers.

"I'm sorry Beth, I know you are trying. I do, and for some reason Loki isn't as rude to you, but we haven't much time, if time keeps passing so quickly, we may not have weeks or months," he said. Falcon joined Thor, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Then let Beth do this her own way, not yours," Falcon says. Thor snapped his attention to flacon glancing from him to Beth. And he was almost afraid to know what that might be.

"What would you do differently Beth," Thor asks. She wasn't going to use her power on him, it seemed his brain had been picked at enough by the TVA.

"I'm not mind picking, someone has done that to him already, I can tell, he knows Frigga is gone and that he fought by Thor, he doesn't remember it, but he said it happened so maybe they showed him that timeline, they've done something to him, maybe gaining his trust lies in making him believe we aren't monsters," she said. Thor looks at Falcon. He nods. And Thor for a moment had some regret. But he asks her what she means.

"I took the cuffs off but he still lacks, the belief in me, that I want to help him, be a friend, he needs to know I'm serious, taking his power isn't going to help that, nor is keeping him caged all day, maybe taking him out side and walking him around would ensure my belief in him," Beth said. Even if she didn't like it herself. Loki was not going to run, he had no where to go. He was stuck on earth.

"Bad idea," Thor says dismissing it. Beth got defensive. She didn't like the answer. She hates that answer. If Loki was to trust her he needed to believe someone believed in him. Part of his problem was to many people didn't believe in him enough.

"Thor, he's never been good because to many people gave up on him and didn't believe in his goodness, you included, but he's changed somehow since I've been talking with him I've seen an emotional change, Bruce has seen it, he's talking to someone, we won't know unless we gain his trust and he tells us," she says. He shakes his head. It Beth was not taking that for an answer.

"This is my job, to get answers from Loki, so let me do that job or I'll go over your head, and make my own decisions," she said getting up in his face. He breaths hard getting angrier by the second. Bucky grabs her arm and pulls her back. He shakes his head and she clears her throat.

"Fine, but remember, you are the one who chose to do nothing," she said. And she stormed out. Thor looked at Falcon. He chuckled to himself.

"I like her," he says. She had guts and heart. And she was also playing a dumb game.

She runs to the holding chambers, where Bucky follows. He grabs her arm before entering the lab and she spins to look at him. He knows what she is up to, and he does not like it. He thought Loki would get the drop on her, escape if you will. But Loki had bigger issues than leaving. He was seeing these things and they were talking to him.

"I have to do this, Bucky, I've been with him for almost three weeks and he has made progress and I've seen him change emotions, on a higher standard, he is changing, I have to show him I believe in him, even if no one else does," she says, he gives her a sorrowful look and then he also caves to her request. He lets go of her.

"I'll stall Thor and Falcon long enough for you to get him outside," he says. She nods to him and he leaves.

Bruce is sitting by the control panel. Loki sees her come in and he stands with an unusual joy on his face. He likes seeing her, she was the only pleasant one in the facility, to him. And he enjoyed their conversations given they were one sided. Bruce stands when he sees her come in. She looks at him and begins to speak.

"Open his cell, I'm taking him outside," she said. Loki heard her and his attention lies on her. Bruce was going to argue but she was in charge of Loki. So he nods doing as she said.

"Bruce stay in here, make sure no one comes in," she says as she walked to Loki's cell. She didn't cuff him or drag him out she stands, waiting for him to step out on his own.

"Is this some sort of game," he asks looking around. She shakes her head.

"No, you've been locked up here for weeks, it's time for some sunlight."

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