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Thor and Captain offered Beth a seat, to watch as they discovered Loki was the one they were using the whole time. Moduir was sitting beside Diadra. And he had no idea she wasn't in need of him. After she took presidency, he would be killed. Or worse. Thor knew Loki could handle him, but Diadra was a hard one. And Nick knew that.

"Beth, he will be okay," Thor said. She nods. And knowing that he couldn't wish her to be anything it gave her some peace but it still scared her to know he would be killed over this.

Diadra took the stand with Loki who looked like Beth. And they readied themselves. He looked over to Gamora and slightly grinned. Diadra began making her speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Diadra, I am so pleased to stand here before you, and in light of all the prior chaos, I would like to wish you all a bright future a safe future. A future to follow the laws of the lands and also have great preservation, and with that of like to introduce my second in command, Beth Thomas, Whom would become my Vice President, she's a science major and graduated with a degree and works with stark industries, a very talented young woman," she stopped and that shook Loki and Beth. That wasn't the plan. The plan was Modiur as Vice President. He stood up.

"Diadra, this wasn't the plan," he said. Diadra smiles and looks at Modiur.

"Things change," she said. Cheers and boos were equal. But Loki didn't look comfortable. She whispers something in his ear, and everyone that had an earpiece could hear it.

"Now wish for me to be president, or say good bye to your boyfriend," she said holding one of Loki's daggers to his ribs. Beth stood up. She knew, how did she know?

"Thor, she knows, she knows," Beth screamed. Thor nods and holds his hand up. But he sees something moving behind the stage and sees Gamora. She has her Rey gun. And she's got it pointed at Diadras head.

"Not so fast Beth, Gamora will take her out before she kills him," Thor says pointing at Gamora. But about that time Gamora is caught. And she knocked out.

"And now what," Beth yells, Thor curses under his breath.

"Bucky, Bruce, it's time to evacuate," Thor said.

It wasn't three minutes the whole streets started clearing out. And Panther and Captain stood in the street with Bruce and Bucky. And Barton on the roof of the tallest building. Ready to take her out. But she knew things. And so defeating her would be difficult. Modiur decides to leave. He is angry and he doesn't like what is going on. Loki changes back to himself. Considering that she knew there was no reason to continue.

"Ah the avengers, come to save this low life god," she says. Loki resents that. Captain steps up.

"Let him go Diadra, it's over," Captain says. She laughs.

"It's never over, Beth wish it or I kill him," Diadra says sticking the knife into him. He winced. But Loki tells her not to. But she couldn't let him die. Thor looks at her. She looks at him.

"Thor I have to save him," she cried. Thor blows out air.

"I know you do, but I can't let that happen," Thor says. As he grabs her, putting her in a sleeper hold. And she was never going to wish her to be president, she had something else in mind. And he wouldn't give her the chance to prove that.

He leaves the ship with Beth laying on the floor. She was only unconscious for a few minutes. As Thor stepped into the streets, and Loki seen him, he smiled. He thought his brother came to save him. But instead it was a shock what came out of his mouth.

"Go ahead, Kill him, she still won't wish it, she's not even conscious, I've put her to sleep," he said. Loki looks at him in anger.

"I'm sorry you knocked her out, if I get out of this, I'll kill you," Loki said threatening him.

Beth woke up, with a slight headache but she knew what to do. And opened the ship doors. He couldn't put her to sleep long. She had a mind manipulation power, she could wake up whenever she pleases. And she walked out. Nebula and Wanda watched her leave. They couldn't do anything because she was full of anger and hate. Not only for Diadra but for Thor. He was going to allow her to kill Loki. But she didn't realize that was the plan. Plan B. Release her full power.

"THOR," she yelled. Loki looked at her. Diadra pushed the blade into him more and he winced in pain.

"Listen Beth, you have one choice, and one choice only, if I have to I will kill you myself," Thor said. Loki snapped his head to Thor.

"Over my dead body, you touch a hair on her head, I'll rip you to shreds," he said. Thor kept itching.

"I mean it Beth, I will kill you, I have orders. If this goes bad, to kill you, and I will do it," Thor said Loki squirmed in the grasp of Diadra. Beth looked at Thor and then Diadra. Wanda followed her. She kept her power at bay.

"I wish-"

"No Beth," Loki tells. Diadra smiles. Thor doesn't say a word.

"I wish Loki safe," she said. Loki disappeared from Diadras grasp.

Dr strange stepped up. But when he did he opened a portal. And out came Loki. Right beside of her. She grabs him hugging him. Diadra gets mad and starts charging towards her but Thor stops her. Shoving her back. She get upset and alerts her guards. And many of them came charging at the team.

Beth looks at Loki and nods. She uses her manipulative power to stop them in their tracks so that Loki could kill them all. Thor fights Diadra to the best of his ability but she has unnatural strength. Unlike anything he's ever seen. And it makes him furious. Barton is shorting arrows from above while Bruce is pounding people. Korg is punching, Nebula and Gamora is fighting to the hearts content.

Modiur decides to try and get back on Diadras hood side. So he began to fight Loki. Coming out of no where. Loki looked forward to this. And he's been wanting to rough him up since he arrived at the TVA. But Loki looked at Beth to make sure she was still okay. And even she was fighting great her energy was giving.

"BETH!" He screamed as one of the guards hit her from behind. Knocking her down. Bruce notices to and he grabs the guard and smashes him down. And just then, something huge appears. A robot like dragon. It flew from the sky screeching. Thor looks up.

"Falcon!" He screams. He sees it. And he becomes Falcon again. Flying to the dragon. But he isn't enough. So Bruce jumps, landing on the dragon. He beats it but it throws him off and he hits the ground. Barton shoots it with arrow. This was the big fight.

The dragon was the weapon.

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