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The party carried on, or the celebration as they were calling it. Beth mingled with her friends, and especially with Bucky and Bruce. She didn't really want to talk to Thor and she had good reasons. He insulted her and called her pretty much ordinary. And she wasn't. She was gifted with mind manipulation. And this would be the first time in a very long time she let someone get to her.

She wanted to find Loki and thank him for upholding her but when Loki was angry he hid himself away. And she wouldn't be able to find him. But she excused herself and walked into the lobby of the building. It had gotten quite. And there was nothing but darkness. Then what seemed like a few minutes passed. And she noticed another presence with her. But it didn't feel like a normal human presence. No it was different. She turns, and she sees a black haired man, with a black suit on and pale skin.

"Loki, I knew someone was with me," she smiles. He chuckled but she noticed him differently. She puts her hand in front of her and her hand slides through him. Of course.

"You didn't think I'd come back inside after all that, did you," he asked. She shrugs.

"I guess I figured you would come back to save me from that monstrosity they call a celebration," she laughed. He chuckled with her.

"I meant what I said Beth, you are very special, and you have an extremely extraordinary gift, I wish I could be there with you but, just know that I am thinking of you, and that this is for the best," he said. Confusing her.

"What do you mean," she asked. He grinned. Circling her.

"I asked Dr. Strange to teleport me somewhere else, until things have, changed, and I find it rather comforting where he put me, it's nice and warm here, I prefer the cold but this will suffice," he said. She looked at him in disbelief. Moduir was right. He would leave and save his own skin. He knew when The TVA would come for them. And he coward out, so she thought.

"You left, are you kidding me, when I needed you most, you leave, I can't believe this, moduir was right, you would save your own ass," she said. He looked hurt by the comment she made.

"Beth I didn't leave to save myself, the TVA aren't coming that soon, I left because I couldn't bare to see you being insulted by my insolent brother," he said. She shook her head not believing him.

"Yeah whatever, you are the trickster, the god of mischief and you lie so much no one believes you, and they have good reason not to, you left to save your own ass Loki, if you cared about anyone besides yourself, you wouldn't leave," she said. Her tears beginning to fall. He reaches to touch her but his hands go through her.

"I care about you Beth, I  not big on sentiment but you, have changed my mind," he said. She snickered at him.

"If you care about me then come back," she said. He turns around. His back to her.

"If you were me you could understand why I cannot," he said. She shook her head and he turned back around.

"Loki, you have disappointed me, and I swear if I see you I will kill you, I will kill you," she said as his face drops.

"Beth, I'm sorry but, I cannot come back for a while, it hurts me more than you realize, you've become my friend, and I don't have none to tell about, but you, you have been my solace this time I've been here, I cannot stay with you now, please forgive me," he said before disappearing.

She cried, harder than she should have. And once she realized he was gone she cried harder. Had he lied? Did he care about her? Why would he leave if he did? There were things she couldn't understand. And Loki had never been one to love anyone but himself and his brother, but he was finding himself trying to love her. And she was finding love in him. But now she was convinced he was a no good traitor.

"Awe, I told you dear, Loki will betray you, but you didn't listen," Moduir spoke. She looked up and there he stood. Something get different. Something felt off. And it wasn't her.

"Oh, not happy to see me, well I can't say I blame you, I wouldn't be happy to see the very one who wants to use me and my power," he said. She recognized his scent. Before he never had a scent to him. And it hit her, he was here, not in spirit, for real.

"Why are you here," she said loudly. Someone would hear her. Eventually.

"Oh, I hoped we could be friends dear, and I came to visit, I wanted to let you know something, when me and my friends get your lover boy, and we will, we will come find you again, don't run, to far, because we can and we will catch you, but first, Loki," he said. Wait, she thought about his remark. And she knew then Loki didn't leave because he was a traitor he left because he knew Moduir was coming for him tonight. And what a better way to hide, than have the doctor send him away.

"You knew Loki wasn't a traitor to us, that he had changed. He did want to help us and you twisted my mind, and for what," she asked. Then as if on cue, Hulk and Thor came rushing out, with Bucky and Captain behind him. And the rest ran out too.

"We can see him,," Thor said. She looked at him.

"Of course you can, he's actually here," Beth said. Thor readies his hammer. Captain readies his shield.

"Easy fellas, I can break time if I want to, I came here to deliver a message, to Beth, which I've done, and to answer your question Beth yes I knew he had, when I visited him the last time I could see the list for you in his eyes, he cares deeply, and you care for him, but that won't matter, in the end, I'll have what I want," he said stepping back and disappearing.

"What does that mean, what does he want," Bruce asks. Beth looks at him and the rest of them.

"The first thing is Loki, the second thing is me."

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