Who Is It?

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Class 1A had surely been losing their minds trying to put the puzzle pieces together. Ashido had caught that small glimpse of a wedding ring and immediately told everyone, and things had certainly not been the same since. The news had spread like wildfire- ErasureHead sensei is married!
It had gone so far that some had even tried finding out after school hours.
Kaminari leant over to Jirou in homeroom.
"I saw him with some woman yesterday afternoon", he whispered. Jirou perked up and eagerly asked for a description.
The woman he described had long, straight golden hair that pooled over her shoulders. She had been wearing a jacket with a hood at the time and some jeans, and Kaminari commented on the nice ass, which earned him a smack over the head.
Jirou then told that to the other girls. Ashido, Uraraka, Asui, etc etc. The news spread through the class.
Who was this mysterious woman?
The idea came up to ask Midnight. Surely she had the answer, she and Aizawa sensei had always been close.
Ashido ran up to her with Kaminari and Sero, excited to maybe get the final answer.
Kayama turned to her students and smiled.
"Hello Ashido, Kaminari, Sero! How can I help you little darlings"
Ashido absolutely lit up as she began to ramble about what they had been trying to figure out.
Midnight seemed a little puzzled.
"You saw him with a woman?" Kaminari nodded.
"Yeah, blonde hair."
Midnight abruptly understood, and giggled at the situation, simply leaving without another word.

"So clearly Midnight wasn't much help," Asui began, "so maybe we can ask other teachers instea-"
Iida cut her off with an air chop.
"We should not be interfering with our teachers personal life!" He stated strictly, gaining a disappointed gaze from everyone else.
"But-" Ashido started.
"No buts, Ashido! Aizawa sensei's personal life is none of our business!"
Ashido frowned, a little disappointed, and mumbled some sort of statement of understanding.

The afternoon swung round. Yes, they had been told not to interfere, but they were still determined.
They followed their teacher intently until they saw her. The woman. Her hair was soft and silky looking, and her clothes seemed casual and baggy on her, some sort of band shirt and trackies, seeming to not care much about how people saw her, just like her husband. Yet they could never catch a glimpse of her face. She was impossible to see properly. They trailed them for hours, and received nothing, and went home exhausted.

Aizawa eyed his class the next morning whilst they were out on the field. All quietly murmuring to each other. Girl what? When were they ever this quiet. The change was itching at him.
"What is with you guys today?" He questioned, his tone just as tired as usual. "You're never this quiet."
There was a pause of dead silence.
"We wanna know who your wife isssss!" Sero whined, and Ashido nodded.
Aizawa choked on air dick and had to turn away to refrain from laughing, leaving his class confused. Attempting to contain himself, he put one hand up a bit.
"I'll go get her for you, then"
The class erupted with joy, their questions were finally going to be answered!
Aizawa walked away while 1A all excitedly chatted amongst themselves.

Soon enough, Aizawa returned. Not with a person, but a hose.
"Ahem. Mic!" he called.
After a couple seconds or so, Present Mic tottered over, his hair in its usual gelled up banana shape. He went to speak, only to get sprayed with the cold water from the hose.
"AH- ShOtA!!!" Hizashi yelped, turning away with his arms over his face as his hair began to fall loose and pool over his shoulders.
Aizawa grinned.
"Hizashi dearest, my lovely wife, my class would like to meet you."

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