You're More Wild Than The Animals I Watch Over

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Needless to say, Hizashi had a good time working as a zoo keeper. He got to work with animals, specifically lots of birds, and watch others have fun. He saw a new type of person every day. Some were dressed in bright colours, others looked like they just showed up after a Halloween party. It sounds vaguely unlikely, but you see some weird stuff working at a zoo. But. That's right, there's a but. In all Hizashi's time working there, he had not once ever seen some who looked like more of a mess than the guy who just walked in the gates. Oh my lord he looked like he hadn't showered in weeks (key note- he probably hasn't). His hair was greasier than a frying pan after cooking bacon, and tied back into something of a messy ponytail. His shirt looked like the ends of the sleeves had been absolutely ravaged by little wild cats, and his pants were baggy. He had an overly long scarf wrapped around his neck, with the end hanging loose at the back. Hizashi had never seen someone who looks so vile walk into the zoo. But, as guests do, the scraggly homeless looking man wandered off to go look at the animals. Hizashi shrugged off the strange man's appearance and went on with his work.

Let's just skip a lil bit, around maybe an hour or two.
If there's one thing Hizashi liked the most about his job, it was that after finishing his morning work he could make rounds around the zoo and visit the enclosures until he has to work again. His current favourites though were definitely the big cat enclosures. They were just big ol' sweet kitters and Hizashi loved them. So he head on down to go see them. Upon reaching the enclosures, he was a bit surprised to see the man from before. I guess his presence wasn't the surprising thing, per say, more so the fact that he was playing with the cats through the glass. As you do. Which was pretty unusual. Hizashi went and stood a few metres away and watched as the man waved his hand around, running up and down along the path by the enclosure as the big cats inside go along after him. If anything, the experience was perplexing.
Maybe this mysterious man wasn't so bad after all

(Ok I know this is short I'm sorry- but- take-)

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