Please Don't Die

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Aizawa tried to scream as he watched Mic fall to the ground, bleeding out. He could feel tears beginning to run down his face. He tried to call to him. He screamed and screamed but no sound rang out. He ran up to Mic and rested his head and his lap. He put a hand on his cold face. Mic just smiled weakly.
"I'll be fine, Aizawa." He mumbled. Aizawa choked on his breath and cried harder. He wanted to say so much. There were so many things he needed to confess.
"P-Please don't die don't die I need you here with me. Please don't go I love you so much I'm sorry I never told you I'm sorry I always treated you like shit I'm so sorry" Aizawa forced the words out, and it was hard. It couldn't end like this. Hizashi couldn't end like this. He froze as Hizashi's smile dropped and he went entirely limp. His body was so cold. Aizawa couldn't do anything. He sat there in silence.

Aizawa sat up in tears, shaking and mumbling all sorts of things to himself.
"He's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone" he jumped when a hand wrapped around him and pulled him close.
"Another one.?" A voice said. Aizawa looked up and was surprised.
"Another- oh.." he looked down. He hadn't even realised he'd lost sense of reality for a moment there. 
"Yeah...another one.." he stumbled on his words, but he didn't care. He leaned into the embrace.
"What about? You don't have to say if you aren't comfortable but you're my best friend and I worry" Hizashi said, hugging his friend tighter. Aizawa thought for a moment.
"Before I tell you, can I ask why I'm here? I've kinda lost touch after this one.." he felt embarrassed saying it, but he needed to know. Everything was all blurry to him as he tried to get the visionary out of his head.
"You've been sleeping in the spare room of my apartment for some time now. You started coming here so you wouldn't be alone after the nightmares. I heard you screaming and talking so I came to check up on you." Hizashi explained, pulling Aizawa closer "You're safe now, okay?"
Aizawa frowned.
"I'm not the one who needs to be safe.."

Aizawa began to explain the context of his nightmare.
"We were walking and saw some trouble going on in an alleyway so you went to check it out. You were shot multiple times and died in my arms. I was so scared I- I didn't know what to do.. I should have done something about it. I tried to say so much but it felt like I was being suffocated. I tried to tell you so many things but I didn't get a chance to.. i-" Aizawa broke into sobs. Hizashi turned and hugged Aizawa full on. Usually he'd stay at the one-arm-around-shoulder limit, since he knew Aizawa wasn't one for hugs, be he felt he really needed one right now.
"Well hey. Look, I'm fine, and so are you. We're both perfectly safe right now, in your room in my apartment. Nobody's hurt." He tightened the hug a bit before pulling away. Aizawa's face softened.
"No please stay. Don't go anywhere yet" he asked quietly and pulled Hizashi back into the cuddle. Hizashi nodded slightly as Aizawa pressed his face into his shoulder.
"I love you. I hope you know more than friends you mean so much to me" Aizawa confessed. Hizashi froze up in surprise.
"I love you too, Sho. I thought you would have already known that. I guess I wasn't being as obvious as I thought." Aizawa put his hands over his mouth to prevent the laughter, but it didn't work. He laughed into Hizashi's chest and hugged him tighter.
"I'm just so glad you're okay..."
"Y'know what, shortie? I'm glad we're okay too."

As the sun rose the next day, Hizashi was still there with Aizawa. They had fallen asleep in each other's arms. Aizawa rubbed his eyes and groaned.
"This bed feels different...huh..." he tired whispered to himself. He looked upwards to see Hizashi there, still asleep.
"We must have fallen asleep while hugging last night.. oh well" he cracked a smile and pulled the blanket over them. He rest his eyes while he waited for Hizashi to wake up. He opened his eyes when he heard him mumble something.
"What the hell happened last night...did I tell him..? Oh that would be bad.." Hizashi rubbed his eyes and looked around. Of course, he was surprised to find he wasn't in his own room. He was even more surprised to find his best friend latched around him in a hug.
"Morning Sho" he mumbled. Aizawa smiled at his surprising talent to hide his embarrassment.
"Morning Zashi. Hey, do you remember much from when we were talking last night?" Hizashi thought.
"I had a nightmare about my death...and then we talked for a bit... and then I guess I got really tired after that because I don't remember anything else" Aizawa grinned.
"Here's a sum up...I confessed that I liked you, then you confessed as well....and then we fell asleep. Like this." Watching the red creep up Hizashi's face was surely something he'd never forget.
"Oh shit...oh fuck. So I did say it.." Mic mumbled to himself "well you- wanna be... my boyfriend? Person? Thing?" Aizawa couldnt help but break into laughter at Hizashi's horrible attempt, but nodded.
"Of course, dumbass"

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