How Else Was He Supposed To Feel?

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Suggested By: @LucasIsHungry

This was it. This was really it. It was confirmed. Hizashi was the traitor. Yamada was the one giving information to the League of Villains. Present Mic was the one putting everyone in danger. Shota was shocked. Devastated, at that. Hizashi? It'd been him the whole time? Someone he trusted more that anyone else in the world?
He was horrified. He felt betrayed, upset, angry, sad, broken down, so many different negative emotions.
In a situation like this, how else was he supposed to feel anyways.

Processing it all was one thing, but actually getting the fact through Shota's head was something else. Had everything been fake? Their friendship, their history, their time spent together? Was all the days they spent comforting each other after the day of a close friends death just going to waste? Who was Shota to think he could trust anyone I guess. What was the point in trusting anyone if they were going to turn on him like Hizashi did? Was there a point at all? Shota certainly didn't think so.

When the news was broken by Nezu, needless to say Shota was speechless. He tried to argue back. Argue with any sort of 'evidence' he had proving that it couldn't be Hizashi. Because it couldn't be him. He'd never do that. He'd never turn on anyone....right.? The evidence was laid down. The messages, the interactions, everything. It was near impossible to state that Hizashi wasn't the traitor and be right. When the meeting ended and everyone was free to go home, Shota couldn't help but at least try to call him. He quietly and desperately pleaded for him to pick up the phone. He needed an explanation. Some sort of reasoning.
And he did answer.

"Hey, Shota..."

Thank god. All Shota could do was panic. He explained what he'd been told. He frantically asked him if it was true. If he'd really changed sides like that. All he got in response?

"I'm sorry.."
And he hung up the phone.

This was it. This was really it. It was the truth.
Hizashi was a traitor and he couldn't be proven innocent.

He didn't know how to cope.
How could he?

He lost another person who meant so much to him to villainy.

What was he supposed to do in this situation.

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