I Don't Need Anyone (Part 1)

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(Yes another one linking to Where Is He nwn. Enjoy!)
Aizawa rubbed his tired eyes and looked around. Where was he?After examining his surroundings, he realised he was at the park. He and his friend were hanging out there together. He looked to the side of him to find he had been leaning on his best friend , who was fast asleep. He wasn't sure how long he'd been out, but he knew for sure he didn't want his friend waking up to know they slept against each other. Aizawa stood up and yawned. He carefully lifted up his friend and slung him over his back. If anything, he was surprised about how light he was. He knew where about his friends house was, but wasn't sure if that was the best place to go. For a while now, Aizawa had known his friends dad wasn't the best person. He sighed, and decided on taking him to his own house. It wasn't far from here, and with his friends surprising lightness, it wasn't a hard journey. Aizawa knocked on the door and gave a soft smile as his mother opened it.
"Oh! Hello Shōta. Welcome back" she stepped aside, letting Aizawa walk in. He gently lowered his friend onto the couch and sat beside him.
"Damn...been awhile since I've carried someone." Aizawa groaned. He looked over at his friend, who had curled up. He looked so peaceful and calm. Aizawa's face reddened a bit. He mumbled to himself.
"The heck...no. Get off my face. I don't like him. Never will" he rubbed his face until the red went away. He leaned back on the couch and cracked a humoured smile as his friend murmured jibberish in his sleep.

When his friend awoke, it was sudden. He sat up in a panic, teary eyed.
"Woah woah, Zashi, calm down. What happened?" Hizashi looked up, terrified. He took deep breaths and leant back on the sofa. He put his hands on his face and heaved out the breaths.
"Am I...a bad person? Am I annoying? I'm sorry if I am I just- do you actually even want me around?" He was choking on his words. He was NOT going to let himself cry. He had never seen Aizawa cry, so he wasn't going to let Aizawa see him cry. He held his hands over his face while Aizawa thought of the best way to explain it.
"You aren't a bad person, Zashi. Yes you can be a pain in the neck, but it's in the good friend way. I do want you around, and I always will. You are my best friend." He awkwardly opened his arms a bit and let his friend collapse into the embrace. He could feel the shivering of his body even underneath the thick jacket Hizashi was wearing.
"Are you crying?" There was a long silence.
"No..." Aizawa put to hands on his friends face and lifted it upwards so he could see. Tears were streaming down his face. Hizashi shoved his face into the couch.
"Don't what?" Aizawa was confused, and honestly a bit hurt.
"Don't look at me. I don't..you shouldn't have to see me cry." Aizawa was...well he was shocked to say the least.
"What?? Why?? There's nothing wrong with crying, Zashi! You don't have to be the over-confident Hizashi Yamada all the time, you know!" Hizashi mumbled into the couch. Aizawa sighed and pulled his face out of the sofa.
"You gotta speak to me, Zashi"
"You shouldn't have to see me cry...you shouldn't...have to see me...look so weak "
"You aren't weak, crying doesn't make you weak. Who told you that? I'll fucking kill them" Hizashi couldn't help but crack a smile at that comment. Even in the worst times, the littlest things could get Zashi back on his feet.
"Please don't kill my dad"

Aizawa was exhausted. After finally getting a proper explanation of what happened out of Hizashi, Hizashi had fallen asleep. On Aizawa. Despite not wanting to admit it, he enjoyed having his friend there. He laid back, slung an arm around Hizashi, holding him close, and went to sleep. When he awoke it was about 2:57 am. He looked over at Hizashi, who was peacefully sleeping. He had somehow managed to cling onto Aizawa's other arm, but he didn't mind. He rested his head in Hizashi's tumbleweed of a hairstyle and smiled. It was so soft! Aizawa wasn't sure on the feeling, but he just felt like something was going to go wrong tomorrow.

When morning came around, the two boys were completely relaxed into eachothers arms. Hizashi mumbled to himself as he opened his eyes. He softly smiled. The two of them were laid back against the arm of the couch, Aizawa's arms wrapped around him tightly. He poked his friends cheek tiredly.
"Sho. Sho. It's morning. Shooo" he rested his head on Aizawa's chest and awaited his awakening. Aizawa yawned and instantly froze when he realised. He released Hizashi from his grip and pushed him off the couch. Zashi landed on the floor with a thud and he yelped.
"What...the fuck" Aizawa mumbled. Hizashi sat up and rubbed his back. He was wide awake now. Aizawa's face softened as he rose to his feet and extended his hand.
"Sorry" Hizashi took his hand with a smile and stood up.
"Think nothing of it!" He beamed. Aizawa shook his head, not understanding how his friend could always be so positive. The two of them sat down for breakfast and ate away happily. Once having satisfied their hunger, they set off to walk around town. After making a couple laps of the main part of the city, Hizashi paused. Aizawa stopped in his tracks and turned to him.
"What's up?"
"Hey Sho? Do you...really consider me a friend?" Aizawa thought about it. He really did, but he didn't want to seem soft. He frowned.
"No. I don't need you, or anyone. I don't need friends, nor want them, really." Hizashi felt hurt, but kept up his smile.
"Right.." Aizawa continued walking, not noticing Hizashi's fractured smile.
"Hey Aizawa? I'm...gonna head home. See you at school tomorrow?" Aizawa nodded. Mumbled a 'sure' and kept walking. Yamada turned the other way, and headed home. He wasn't looking forward to going back there, but he wasn't sure he really wanted to be around Aizawa, either.

As Aizawa walked, he thought. His mind wandered around for a bit.
"He called me Aizawa. He never calls me Aizawa, it's always Shōta or Sho." He was annoyed at the sudden mood change in his friend. He shrugged it off and continued to walk.
"Whatever, he'll get over whatever he's upset about"

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