I Don't Need Anyone (Part 2)

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When Aizawa rocked up to the front of the school, he waited by the gate for Hizashi as usual. When the blonde arrived, he really looked like shit. His hair was the epitome of chaos, and he was covered in bruises. When Aizawa asked what happened, Hizashi refused to say a word. As they walked inside, they both sat in their usual seats at the back. Aizawa in the corner and Hizashi beside him. Aizawa couldn't get over how....tired and non-energetic his friend look. At this point, to was becoming a general concern. Though most of his classmates were probably grateful to have a peaceful day, Aizawa wasn't. He'd grown too used to having this loud, obnoxious boy chattering beside him. He didn't like it when it wasn't that way anymore. He was practically bugging Hizashi all day till he burst.
"Listen Zashi I don't know what the FUCK is wrong with you, BUT YOU ARE MAKING ME WORRIED, STOP IT. I don't want to WASTE MY TIME following you around to find out what's wrong!!" Hizashi turned to him, his tired eyes lack of any feeling, and whispered one thing.
"Then don't." Hizashi began to walk away, leaving Aizawa just standing there, shocked.
"What do you mean, don't?! We're friends, aren't we?" Aizawa called out. Hizashi stopped in his tracks. Aizawa could see the tears beginning to fill Hizashi's eyes.
"No, Aizawa. We aren't. you said it yourself. You don't want friends, let alone need them. So why would I stick around? We aren't friends anymore." Aizawa watched his ex-friends face twist into a hurt, upset expression. His heart was aching.
"Zashi please, you should know I didn't mean that"
"SHOULD I?" Aizawa was surprised by the sudden outburst "because you didn't say that! You didn't EXPRESS IT in such a way that would tell me you didn't MEAN IT. You know what, Aizawa? I don't need you either. I don't need you! I am FINE on my own. I'm FINE. If we ever speak again, we'll be speaking as strangers." Hizashi walked off, tears pouring down his face. Aizawa felt his cheeks to discover they were wet with tears.
"Is this...is this really my fault..?"

For the next 2 weeks, the two of them didn't talk. Hizashi stopped wearing his headphones and sunglasses, and just starting acting like someone else. He would be calm and collected, and not at all someone who you'd think could be so loud. Eventually, Aizawa decided enough was enough.
"After school today, you need to meet me at the front gate. Don't be late, don't ditch me." Hizashi was slightly surprised to say the least. He gave a soft nod and walked away. The hours went by slowly and painfully. When the day finally came to an end, Aizawa rushed to that gate. He waited patiently for his friend to show up, and when he did, he was relieved.
"Wow, you didn't ditch me"
"Whatever this was it seemed important to you. Anyways can we make this quick, my dads probably going to be waiting for me." Aizawa took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry..."
"I SAID IM SORRY! I was wrong!! I do need friends I-...I do need you! I do want you! Fuck days are so boring and so long and so lonely when I don't have you around and I just- I can't deal with that anymore! And then you came to school all changed and different and I just- I can't handle that! It's weird! It's different! I tried to ignore it and get used to it but I CAN'T! I-" Aizawa broke into sobs. He hugged himself tightly and tried his best to cough out a word or two, but he couldn't do it. Hizashi walked up and wrapped his arms around him tightly.
"I KNEW you were a softie!" Aizawa looked up, surprised. Hizashi had his usual dopey grin on his face, and his glasses had made their return. Aizawa let himself collapse into the hug weakly. He finally felt happy again.
"Aaaanyways, sorry for yelling at you and all that jazz. I was pretty angry, but like, we all good now?" Aizawa looked up at him, disgusted.
"Listen, you already spoke weirdly, but please NEVER use 'jazz' in a sentence like that ever again."
"Yeah yeah whatever, Sho." Hizashi grinned. If anything, Aizawa was relieved to have his friend back. He presses his face into Hizashi's warm chest and smiled. Hizashi lifted him up onto his shoulders.
"Hey! Put me down!" He growled. Hizashi sung a little tune.
"Can't hear you Shoooo" he teased and he walked out the gate, Shōta on his shoulders. The two of them paused in front of Zashi's house. Hizashi lowed Aizawa down from his shoulders.
"See you tomorrow?" Aizawa thought about it for a moment.
"Nah. See you later. Meet me in the park at 4!" Aizawa just grinned as he strolled away from Hizashi's house, leaving his friend a bit surprised.
"Yeah.okay. See you then" Hizashi smiled and put his hands up to his face which was dusted with a pinkish red.
"Damn it"

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