rosie's little vlog!

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*Rosie films a little vlog! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see in this book! Enjoy! Love • Bree 💖*

Today is Saturday at the Dawson household!

Right now, it is 8am and Ryland and Shane are still fast asleep in their bed. Usually Ryland and Shane are both awake by now but since they stayed up late watching movies last night they are sleeping in.

Rosie and Posey are both awake and they have been playing in Rosie's bedroom with Rosie's new doll house she got for Christmas!

Rosie and Posey are both awake and they have been playing in Rosie's bedroom with Rosie's new doll house she got for Christmas!

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*Rosie and Posey's pajamas*

"Muah! Muah! Muah! Muah!" Posey says as she has the two boy dolls kiss each other.

"Aww! They kissing each other like Mama and Daddy do!" Rosie says as she and Posey both giggle.

"Ya! Kisses wike Mama and Daddy!" Posey says as she smiles at Rosie.

"Wet's go see Mama and Daddy!" Rosie says as she stands up with excitement.

"Ya! Ya! Wet's go! Wet's go!" Posey says as she also gets up with excitement!

Rosie and Posey both happily run over to Ryland and Shane's bedroom and they both see Ryland and Shane cuddling and both still asleep.

"Mama and Daddy still sweeping!" Rosie says to Posey softly as she smiles.

"Ya! Sweepy sweepy!" Posey says to Rosie happily as she dances around.

Rosie carefully walks over to Ryland's end table and picks up Ryland's vlog camera! Ryland and Shane have both been teaching her about a camera and how to use it!

Both Rosie and Posey love to make little videos and take many pictures of themselves!

"Cheeto! Wet's go! Wet's go!" Rosie says with a big smile as Cheeto meows at her and Posey.

"Ya Chee Chee!" Posey says as she smiles at Cheeto.

Cheeto carefully jumps off the bed and Rosie catches him, placing him on the floor.

"Wet's go!" Rosie says as she, Posey and Cheeto all leave the master bedroom quietly and go downstairs where Honey and Uno are both laying down on the couches happily.

Rosie happily turns the vlogging camera pa and she begins to vlog herself.

"Hiiiii guys! Hiiiii! I vwogging!" Rosie says as she films her nose and eyes.

"Hiiiiiiii! Hiiii!" Posey says as she also waves at the vlogging camera.

"Po and I are downstairs wif Cheeto, Uno and Honey! Mama and Daddy sweeping!" Rosie says with a smile at the vlogging camera.

"Ya! They sweeping! We pway!" Posey says to the camera as she picks her nose.

"Ya! We going to pway!" Rosie says happily to the vlogging camera.

"Ya! Pway wif Roo! Wif Ho! Wif No! And wif Chee!" Posey says as she dances some.

"Honey and Uno wuv their toys from Auntie Lizze!" Rosie says as she vlogs Honey and Uno's new toys.

"Cheeto too!" Posey says as she runs over to the cat toy box.

"Yeah! Cheeto got toys too from Auntie Lizze!" Rosie says as she vlogs the cat toys.

"Eww! Chee poop!" Posey says as she looks at the liter box.

"Cheeto went potty! I too short to open the door for Honey and Uno to go potty!

"Don't pee! Don't poop!" Posey says to Honey and Uno making both dogs happily wag their tails.

"Yeah! Don't go potty! I can't reach the door!" Rosie says to Uno and Honey.

"Ya!" Posey says to Uno and Honey.

Rosie turns the TV her and she finds one of her favorite YouTube channels called Jack Hartmann Kids where he sings kid songs and also does sign language videos!

Rosie and Posey both really love the sign language videos for the alphabet! Rosie and Posey know a few signs!

"See it! Say it! Sign it!" Rosie and Posey both sing happily along with the video.

"Aaa! Apple! A! Acorn!" Rosie says with a big smile.

"Buh! Baby! Buh! Barn!" Posey says happily.

Rosie and Posey continue to dance and sing along with the song.

An half hour later, Shane and Ryland both quickly walk downstairs and they see Rosie and Posey watching YouTube on tv.

"Mama! Daddy!" Posey says with a big cheeky smile.

"Hi, Mama and Daddy! I vwogging!" Rosie says as she vlogs Ryland and Shane.

"You are! How fun, baby!" Shane says as he kisses and hugs Posey and Rosie before letting Uno and
Honey outside to go to the bathroom.

"I can't wait to see your video! I bet it is so fun!" Ryland says with a big grin at Rosie and Posey as he also hugs and kisses both girls.

For the rest of the day, Rosie and Posey both hang out with their mama Ryland, their dad Shane and their three pets Uno, Honey and Cheeto! :)

Ryland posts a picture of Rosie and Posey happily sitting together on the couch as they eat some fruit in a cup. He writes the caption as: "Roo vlogged this morning with Po, Honey, Uno and Cheeto! It was the cutest little vlog ever and I'm going to post it on my channel sometime today 💖💖"

Shane posts a picture of Rosie and Posey cuddling with each other on the couch. He writes the caption as: "Sister cuddles while they both watch their favorite tv show, Bluey! 💖💖"

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