roo's first day of school!

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*Today is Rosie's first day of Headstart and first day of school EVER! Send suggestions on what you wanna see in this book! Love • Bree ❤️📓*

Today is Rosie's first of school EVER!

Right now, Ryland is making a special school themed breakfast while Rosie, Posey and Shane are watching Sesame Street together.

Honey, Cheeto and Uno are all happily begging for pancakes making Ryland laugh.

"No pancakes for you three! You already ate! You three already had your breakfast!" Ryland says in a babyfied voice at Honey, Cheeto and Uno.

Shane bounces Posey in his lap while Rosie cuddles with him. Posey happily giggles and smiles and Rosie is also giggling.

"Jumpy! Jumpy! Jumpy!" Shane says in a babyfied voice and Posey babbles.

Shane then sits Posey down and Posey slowly stands up and wobbles around the living room, playing with her blocks she got from Andrew for her birthday.

"Are you excited to go to school, Roo?" Shane ask Rosie.

"Uh huh! I excited! I excited!" Rosie says as she jumps up and down in lots of excitement making Shane smile.

"Mama ans I are so excited for you too, Roo. You are going to have so much fun and learn a lot of new things." Shane says as Rosie sits in his lap and hugs him.

"Yay! Po go to scwhool?" Rosie asks Shane.

"Posey will go to school next year! She is still a baby." Shane says as Rosie giggles.

"Yeah! I big girl! Po baby!" Rosie says to Shane, making him chuckle on how sassy Rosie is just like Ryland.

"Po! Roo! Shane! It is time for breakfast!" Ryland says as he calls from the kitchen.

"YAY!" Rosie says as she happily runs into the dining room.

Shane picks up Posey and he and Posey walk into the dining room.

Shane then smiles and smells the warm fresh pancakes.

"Mmmmm! Smells good, babty!" Shane says to Ryland with a cheeky smile.

"Thank you, babty! Enjoy!" Ryland says as he kisses Shane and Shane kisses Ryland back,

"Pancakes! I wuv pancakes!" Rosie says as she claps her hands happily.

"Yum yum!" Posey says with a big grin.

"Yum yum!" Posey says with a big grin

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