slow cuddly morning

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*Just some fluff for all of you! Thank you so much to PunchedTheBurrsar for writing this with me! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree ❤️

Ryland and Shane were both sleeping in the bed they shared, but Shane was awoken by a sensation of their bed shaking leading Shane to sit up slowly.

At first, Shane thought it was an earthquake but then he realized that it was just Rosie, who was happily bouncing up and down.

"Mama! Daddy! Wake up! Wake up!" Rosie says with a giggle as she continues to jump up and down on the bed eagerly.

Rosie continued to jump even when Shane woke up since she was determined to get Ryland awake as well.

"It's bweakfast time! It's bweakfast time!" Rosie chirped happily.

"Hi, Roo. Good morning." Shane says to Rosie softly and happily.

"Mornin!" Rosie says with a giggle as she sits down on the bed.

"Posey Bear is up too! I can't reach her!" Rosie tells Shane as Shane smiles.

"Baby Po is awake? Let's go get her to snuggle with us." Shane says to Rosie happily.

"Yay!" Rosie cheered as she slide down from the master bed.

The happy two year old ran into the bedroom that was Posey's! Shane follows Rosie into Posey's bedroom with a big grin.

Shane walks over to Posey's crib and picks her up. Posey smiles with a purple pacifier in her mouth and she plays with Shane's nose, making Shane smile.

"Good morning, Po! Good morning! You need a diaper change, stinky girl!" Shane says as he lays Posey on the changing table and begins to Posey's diaper.

"Daddy, can I pick Po's clwothes?" Rosie asks putting on a comfy dress and a hair bow crooked in her hair.

"My bow messy too." Rosie says as Shane smiles ear to ear.

"Sure! You can pick our Posey's outfit today!" Shane says happily to Rosie and Rosie claps her hands as she goes over to the dresser and opens it up slowly.

Rosie pulls out a pair of baby overalls and a light yellow onesie.

"Here, Daddy!" Rosie says as she walks back over to Shane.

"Ooo! That is really cute, Roo!" Shane says to Rosie with a big smile.

Shane then begins to change Posey's outfit for the day.

After Posey gets dressed, Shane fixes Rosie's dress, helps her put new panties on and fixes her crooked hair bow.

"Thank you, Daddy!" Rosie says with a grin.

Once Rosie puts some pink socks on, Rosie begins to coo at her baby sister and then she looks up at Shane.

"Can we snuggle wif Mama?" Rosie asks Shane softly.

"You're welcome, baby girl! And yes, let's go snuggle with Mama for a little bit and then we can have breakfast together! What would you like for breakfast today?" Shane asks Rosie.

Rosie walks out of Posey's bedroom with Shane and Posey following right behind her, and Rosie hums while she thinks of answer as she walks.

"A queadwilla for bweakfast pwease!" Rosie requests with lots of energy.

"A quesadilla? I dont think we have all ingredients for that! We have cereal, oatmeal, pancakes and waffles!" Shane says hoping Rosie won't get upset about not getting a quesadilla.

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