shane and his girls!

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*While Ryland is out with Morgan, Shane hangs out at home with Rosie and Posey! Send suggestions! Love • Bree 🌈*

Today is Friday at the Dawson household and it has been a very relaxing one as well so far!

This afternoon, Ryland went out to lunch and shopping with his little sister Morgan, so Shane is home alone with the girls, Uno, Honey and Cheeto!

Shane absolutely LOVES to spend one on one time with his girls! Shane is usually working one on one time with the girls is very special to Shane.

Shane is extremely close with his girls and the girls LOVE their Daddy very very much!

Shane begins to vlog Rosie and Posey both happily sitting together on the living room floor and they are both playing with their stuffed animals!

"Moo! Moo! Moo!" Posey says happily and Rosie giggles loudly at Posey.

"Oink! Oink! Oink!" Rosie says with a cheeky smile and Posey giggles loudly at Rosie.

*Rosie and Posey's matching outfits*

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*Rosie and Posey's matching outfits*

"Hi, girlies! Hi, pretty girls!" Shane says to Rosie and Posey as they both look up at Shane and they both smile ear to ear at him.

"Da da da da da!" Posey says as she waves and smiles at Shane and the vlogging camera.

"Hi, Daddy! Hiiii!" Rosie says with a big cheeky smile at Shane and the vlogging camera.

"Hi, Roo and Po! You two look so pretty in your rainbow dresses today! I love them!" Shane says to Rosie and Posey.

"Tanks, Daddy!" Rosie says to Shane happily.

"Ba ba ba da da da!" Posey says to Shane as she giggles and smiles.

"You're welcome, girlies! Are you two playing together?" Shane asks both Rosie and Posey.

"Ya ya ya ba ba ba ba!" Posey says as she crawls around and smiles up at Shane again.

"Yeah! We are pwaying with my pig and Po's cow, Daddy See!" Rosie says do Shane with a big grin.

"Wow! How fun, Roo and Po!" Shane says happily to both Rosie and Posey.

"Uh huh!" Rosie says as she hugs Shane's leg tightly and Shane kisses her forehead, making Rosie smile ear to ear at him.

Shane then picks up Posey off of the floor and kisses her forehead as well, making Posey giggle loudly.

Shane first vlogs Cheeto and Uno both sitting and cuddling together.

"Aww, look at these two cuties cuddling! Hi, Cheeto! Hi, Uno!" Shane says to Cheeto and Uno.

"Meow. Meow. Meow." Cheeto says to Shane with sass, making Shane laugh loudly.

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