almost a family of 4!

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*Shane, Ryland and Rosie spend much needed time together before baby Posey comes! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🐷*

Ryland is currently thirty eight weeks pregnant with baby number two, a baby girl named Posey Claire!

Any day now, baby Posey will be born and Ryland, Shane and Rosie are all so excited to welcome their new member to their family! The Dawson's will be a family of four!

Ryland is really surprised that he has made it to thirty eight weeks because Rosie was born at thirty seven weeks!

Ryland doesn't want to be induced with any medicine and he doesn't want another c-section like he did with Rosie, so he has been doing a lot of things to get his labor started naturally so he can have the birth he has always wanted.

Currently, Shane and Rosie are both awake and are downstairs together. Ryland is still fast asleep upstairs!

Shane has been taking care of Rosie mostly while Ryland gets everything prepared and ready for the birth of Posey and Ryland has been nesting like a mad man.

Ryland has been sleeping in later these few days. Ryland has been having a lot of trouble sleeping and staying asleep due to being at the end of his pregnancy.

Shane has been loving spending all of this one on one time with Rosie before Posey is born. Rosie is an absolute Daddy's girl and Shane really loves it.

Shane and Rosie are currently in the dining room together. Shane is getting Rosie ready to start a painting activity! Rosie absolutely loves painting but Ryland and Shane hate the mess that comes with it.

"Roo, are you excited to paint a picture?" Shane asks Rosie as he gets everything ready for Rosie to do the painting activity.

"Ya, Daddy!" Rosie says as she claps her hands happily.

"Good! Mama and I can get your painting framed for you and put it on the wall in your bedroom or somewhere around the house!" Shane says to Rosie with a big smile.

"Yay!" Rosie says as she claps her hands in excitement.

*Rosie's pajamas*

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*Rosie's pajamas*

"Daddy! Uice! Uice!" Rosie says to Shane happily wanting some apple juice. 

"Do you want some juice, baby girl?" Shane asks Rosie.

"Yes!" Rosie says to Shane with a cheeky smile.

"What do you say, Roo?" Shane asks Rosie, wanting her to use her manners.

"Pwease! Pwease, Daddy!" Rosie says to Shane. 

"Good girl! Okay, I'll get you some juice!" Shane says to Rosie. 

"Yay!" Rosie says happily.

Shane then hands Rosie her pink sippy cup with some apple juice inside of it.

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