andrew and rosie's special day together

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*Andrew takes Rosie out to spoil her rotten! Thank you to ErickaAlphonse for suggesting this and thank you to PunchedTheBurrsar for helping me write this! Love • Bree ❤️*

Ryland is currently helping Rosie get dressed for a special outing with Andrew!

Ryland is currently helping Rosie get dressed for a special outing with Andrew!

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*Rosie's outfit*

Today, Andrew is going to take Rosie out and spend some much needed time with his goddaughter! Rosie and Andrew have had a very close relationship ever since the day Rosie was born!

Andrew spoils both of the girls rotten and he is always visiting the house!

Andrew wants to take Rosie out for a fun day full of toys and sweets since Ryland is still not feeling the best due to morning sickness and Posey has caught a nasty stomach bug.

"Are you excited to spend the day with Uncle Andrew?" Ryland asks Rosie as he begins to braid her red hair into a few pig tails.

"YES! I so excited, Mama!" Rosie says with a big cheeky smile.

"Aww, good! Uncle Andrew is excited to spend the day with you!" Ryland says as Rosie giggles.

"Uncle Aaa is fun, Mama!" Rosie says with a big grin.

"He is very fun!" Ryland says as Rosie smiles.

"Po coming too?" Rosie asks Ryland curiously.

"No, baby. Po has an upset tummy and doesn't feel well. And plus, Uncle Andrew wants to spend time with you!" Ryland says as Rosie feels special that Uncle Andrew wants to spend time with just her!

Rosie smiles at Ryland, feeling sympathy for her baby sister Posey, but excitement for spending time with Andrew.

"Ohh! Okay!" Rosie says happily, getting her shoes on once she was fully dressed and her hair was done.

"Tanks for doin' my hair, Mama!" Rosie says with a big grin.

"You're welcome, Rosie Roo!" Ryland says to Rosie giving his oldest daughter a kiss on the cheek.

Then, there was a knock at the front door and Rosie ran over to the door with Ryland, making sure to ask who it is first.

"Who isss ittt?" Rosie draws our playfully, knowing who it was already.

"It's Uncle Andrew!" Andrew replies, and Ryland comes over to open the door.

"Come in, come in!" Ryland greets Andrew happily.

"Make sure to wash your hands!" Rosie says with a bit of sass, making Andrew laugh.

"I will, Roo! Thank you for reminding me!" Andrew says as he begins to wash his hands at the kitchen sink.

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