posey's first 24 hours of life

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*Ryland and Shane film the first twenty four hours of Posey's life! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 😇*

Vlog Title: Posey's First Day Of Life
Video description: Watch Posey's first twenty four hours of life. We are so blessed and happy to have this little girl in our lives. She is perfect just like her big sister. :)

- 6am - 8/22 -
Shane vlogs himself sitting in a recliner that is right next to Ryland's hospital bed. Shane then waves at the camera.

"Good morning, everyone! Ryland and I just took a very small nap! Literally maybe a one hour nap." Shane says as he laughs loudly.

Shane then begins to film Ryland, who is sitting in his hospital bed and he is burping Posey on his shoulder. Ryland smiles and blushes at Shane. 

"Hi, babty." Ryland says to Shane softly.

"Hi, babty. How are you feeling?" Shane asks Ryland in a whisper.

"I feel pretty good! I am just tired and a little sore but I feel very good. How are you feeling, Shaney?" Ryland asks Shane.

"I feel really tired too but I feel so happy so the tiredness doesn't matter to me right now. Today has been such a magical day just like the day Rosie was born was a magical day." Shane says to Ryland and to the camera.

Ryland smiles ear to ear at Shane and then Posey burps softly.

"There you go, Posey! Good girl!" Ryland whispers to Posey as he tenderly kisses Posey's cheek.

"Posey burps so loud just like Rosie does." Shane says as he laughs and Ryland smiles at Shane's comment.

"I am so happy too, Shaney. This baby girl is so sweet and so mellow. She is just so perfect. However, she has been cluster feeding like crazy ever since she was born a few hours ago. However, that is very normal for newborns. Rosie did the exact same thing." Ryland says to Shane and the camera.

Shane tenderly kisses Ryland cheek and then tenderly Posey's forehead.

"Posey is a breastfeeding champ though! She latches right on and knows exactly what to do! I am just so happy she likes to breastfeed because Rosie really hated it. But if Posey decides she hates it after a while, or my milk supply runs low, I'll just stop and use formula. I am not going to stress myself out about it. Fed is best." Ryland says to Shane and the camera.

"I am so proud of you, Ry. You are the greatest Mama ever. I love you." Shane says softly to Ryland.

"Aww. I love you too!" Ryland says as he kisses Shane twice.

"So Ryland and I have been getting a lot of questions about Posey's middle name. We revealed her middle name during our baby shower vlog." Shane says as he sits down next to Ryland in Ryland's hospital bed.

"Posey's middle name is Claire. Claire is after our best friend Claire Wineland who passed away last year. We wanted the girls to have middle names after inspirational and strong women. Christina Grimmie and Claire Wineland are both of those type of women so that's why we named our daughters Rosie Christina and Posey Claire." Ryland says to the camera.

"We love our girls names very and they are really special to us." Shane says as he smiles at the camera and then Ryland.

"Well, we are going to relax until our breakfast comes. See you guys then!" Shane says softly as he kisses Ryland's cheek again and Ryland smiles at the camera.

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