the night before...

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*It is the night before Ryland's scheduled c-section for the twins! Thank you so much to Rami-Is-A-Sweetheart for helping me write this! Enjoy and send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💙💙*

Ryland and Shane are sitting in their bed together, relaxing and talking together. Rosie and Posey were asleep by now.

"I can't believe that we're having two babies tomorrow!" Ryland says, feeling a little nervous since he and Shane never had twins before but they are so ready to meet their miracle twin boys!

"I know, it's crazy! Sometimes I feel like this is a dream but tomorrow it is going to be a reality. We are going to have twin boys and two girls!" Shane says with a chuckle, rubbing his husband's back.

"I'm just worried about how it's gonna be with them plus Posey and Rosie. Maybe I should call Joey sometime and ask him and Daniel about having multiple babies at once and multiple little ones." Ryland questions out loud.

"Joey and Daniel are pros of having multiples plus having other younger kids. They have five kids three and under right now." Shane says making Ryland gasp in shock.

"Wait! Really?" Ryland says as he sips his water and he plays with Shane's hair.

"Yeah! Eden is three like Roo, Ash is seventeen months, he is a few months younger than Po and the triplets just turned two months a few days ago I think." Shane says to Ryland, rubbing Ryland Big baby bump.

"Joey made a triplet pregnancy look like a piece of freaking cake and he didn't even know he had triplets until delivery day. What if that happens to us too, Shaney?" Ryland says making Shane snort happily.

"Then it happens! We will just have triplets then!" Shane says as he laughs loudly making Ryland laugh.

"I am 99.99999% sure we are having twins boys!" Ryland says with a smile and Shane smiles back.

Ryland then looks over at his, Shane and the boys' bags sitting by the bedroom door, all ready to go for tomorrow morning. By this time tomorrow, Shane and himself will be brand new parents to twin boys.

"I'm so happy, sad, nervous, scared and excited all at the same time." Ryland says as he takes a deep breath and let's it out slowly.

"Why all of those emotions? That's a lot." Shane says as he kisses Ryland and Ryland kisses him back.

"Happy because we are welcoming two healthy boys into the world after thinking five years ago we would never have any children. Now we have four, two girls and two boys. Sad because Posey isn't going to be the baby anymore and Rosie is going to be a big big sister and not just a big sister. Nervous because I don't want Rosie or Posey to get jealous of the boys or feel not loved anymore. And I don't know why I'm scared! I guess I'm just scared of the c-section, but I know what to expect kind of since I had one with Roo. But I'm sure a twin c-section is different, probably not though. I'm probably just over looking it." Ryland says to Shane as Shane thoughtfully listens to every word Ryland says.

"I don't think you're completely overlooking it, that's logical." Shane says in reply, sincerely.

"But at the same time, I think you'll do great at giving birth again. I'll be right by your side just like before." Shane promises, making Ryland feel a bit better.

"You really think so?" Ryland asks curiously, gaining a nod from Shane.

Then they hear Posey crying over the baby monitor from a bad dream. Shane tells Ryland to relax while he deals with Posey crying.

Ryland smiles as he watches Shane comforting Posey. Shane is softly rubbing Posey's back while he lays in her toddler bed with her.

Just then, Cheeto walks into the master bedroom and jumps on the bed and lays by Ryland.

"Hi, Cheeto. Hi! You are such a good boy. Yes, you are!" Ryland says happily to Cheeto.

Twenty minutes later, Shane returns to the master bedroom with a smile on his face.

"Posey is back asleep now. She went to sleep pretty quick too." Shane says with a big smile at Ryland and Ryland smiles back.

"Aww. I watched you two together. It was so so cute. And Rosie is fast asleep, I just checked on her. She is cuddling with Honey." Ryland says with a chuckle.

"Aw, that's cute. Honey loves Rosie so so much." Shane says as he sits back down next to Ryland in bed.

"Where is Uno?" Ryland asks Shane curiously.

"He is laying by Posey's bed." Shane says with a smile.

"I'm surprised he isn't laying in bed with her.

"He will probably get up there now, knowing I'm out of there now." Shane says to Ryland.

Ryland nods, thinking about something else.

"Do you think that there's a chance that I'll go into labor before my scheduled c-section?" Ryland asks Shane playfully.

"No, I don't think so. I don't know how common that is." Shane says with a chuckle.

"I've heard of it happening to a few people actually!" Ryland says to Shane with some sass making Shane snort. 

Cheeto decides to leave the room and go into bed with Posey, which was odd. Shane notices that and gets curious.

"I wonder if he can sense Posey's feelings about the babies or knowing she is going to be a big sister." Shane ponders.

"I think Cheeto senses the babies are going to be born tomorrow. Cheeto has been cuddling by my belly all day." Ryland says with a big smile on his face making Shane smile.

"I think so too! You know animals can sense stuff like that. They have a sixth sense." Shane says to Ryland and Ryland smiles.

"Oh for sure! Honey and Uno have been acting clingy with me too. Honey, Uno and Cheeto are all acting the way they did before Posey and Rosie were born." Ryland says to Shane.

Ryland checks on Posey on the monitor and he sees Cheeto laying by Posey's head while Uno is laying by Posey's feet.

Shane checks on Rosie on the monitor since he didn't before and he sees Honey laying next to Rosie.

"It is so sweet seeing the pets with the girls. I absolutely love it." Shane says softly to Ryland.

"It is and I love it too! I think they are going to be good with the boys too!" Ryland says happily and Shane nods.

"Do you have everything packed and ready for tomorrow?" Shane asks Ryland softly.

"I do! I packed your bag too because I know you wouldn't have packed nothing." Ryland says with sass making Ryland laugh.

"You are so cute." Shane says as he kisses Ryland and Ryland kisses him back.

"I probably packed too much but oh well! It's better then not packing enough." Ryland says to Shane.

Shane laughs quietly, running his fingers through Ryland's short hair.

The duo continue talking before eventually, falling asleep, though it was a little hard at first with all the big feelings and excitement.

The Dawson twins are coming tomorrow! :)

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