Different Schools

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Harry's Pov

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Harry's Pov

"Welcome back students to another year at Hogwarts, I would like to share a few things before we begin the feast."

"Merlin hurry up I'm hungry" Hermonie rolled her eyes "Ron be quiet you can wait"

"Tomorrow transfer students will join us for the rest of the School year, they will be coming from America, they come from a school called The Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted.

But to muggles they are just a troubled school for rich kids. But just a reminder not all of them are witches, some are werewolves, and vampires but rest assure that they have been well trained and will not lash out." Everyone gasped

"Now may the feast begin"


Hope's Pov

Dr. Saltzman had just informed me, Lizzie, Josie, Landon, MG, Kaleb, and Rafael that we are to attend a different school this year. I don't know how Freya allowed this, I don't want to leave and be the loner again but I have to.

I packed up all the necessities like clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, Grimores, shoes, etc. I changed into the uniform they have there which is a black robe, plaid skirt, white button up, and they other things will determine which house were in.

I didn't really get that part but I also didn't care and just nodded to whatever Dr. Saltzman said, I'm also pretty sure he knew I wasn't paying attention but also didn't really care.

I floated my suitcase down to the front of the school to see Kaleb and MG.

"Hey" I said

"Hey" they said in unison

We waited for three minutes until Rafael and Landon we aren't on speaking terms when he broke my trust numerous times, so I decided to not give him that much attention. Five more minutes later the twins show up.

"Ok now what" Kaleb asks

"Dr. Saltzman said go to the town square" I said

We walked to the town square to see no one. I mean I'm not surprised it pitch black outside still. We waited around the benches for ten minutes until we here a pop sound.

I turn my head to see a very old man with a beard that's the size of Pedro if not longer, he has these crystal blue eyes that are lighter than mine, he's wearing these grey clothes that look like he's homeless.

"Hello you must be the Salvatore Students, I am Professor Dumbledore the headmaster at Hogwarts I am here to pick you up"

"Where your car or van" Lizzie asks

"In the Wizardly World we use apparation it's like teleporting, grab on" he puts out his arm and I grab on and so do the others. We kinda make a small chain on each side of him.

"Hold on tight" with that we apparate to where ever were supposed to go. It feels really weird it's like I'm being crammed into a small box but it only lasts for a split second. 'Thank God'


We appear in front of these Mahogany doors with a lot of chatter behind them, he pushes through the doors to see a room filled with children from I'm guessing ages 10-18.

We walk through the space in between two long tables and let me tell you it was very nerve racking. Everyone's eyes were on us and for me it sucked, but Lizzie looked like she didn't mind.

"Ok it's time for the sorting ceremony, we will call you one at a time and you will take a seat on the stool and the hat will be placed on top of your head and it will sort you among one out of the four houses.

The houses are Gryfindoor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Once you are sorted into your house you will join them, your house will be like your family and they are to treat you as such. Now let's begin" says a women with a very tight bun on top of her head

"Milton Greasley"

Mg went up and sat on the stool and the hat was placed on top his head and it started to talk.

"Ah, oh well your a new one hm kind, courage, respectful, brave. I know exactly where to put you...... Gryfindoor" cheers were heard from a certain table as MG walked towards them and sat down.

"Kaleb Hawkins"

"Hm you are just like your friend Milton but your sarcastic, determined, a leader, cunning. Better be......... Slytherin"

"Landon Kirby"

Hm you brave, loyal, you are blamed for another's issue, kind, hm better be......... Hufflepuff"

"Lizzie Saltzman"

"Oh wow you are cunning, determined, smart I know exactly where to put you, better be........Slytherin"

"Josie Saltzman"

"Hm very different from your sister your kind, loving, loyal, smart, caring, creative. Better be ............ Ravenclaw"

"Rafael Waithe"

"Oh your brave, protective over those you love, loyal, willful, brave. Better be Gryfindoor"

"Last but certainly not least Hope Mikaelson"

"Hm difficult your cunning, ambitious, and want to prove yourself like a Slytherin. Your brave, caring, protective like a Gryfindoor. Loyal, caring like a Hufflepuff. And your very smart and resourceful like a Ravenclaw.

"Very difficult you are all four of the houses it's very hard to chose"

I look up at the students to see some confused, intrigued, disgusted. 'God why can't this bloody hat sort me already'

"Better be..........

Let me know which house you want Hope to be sorted in. This is my third book and I don't really know what I'm doing so don't be rude. Yeah so let me know which house

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