The Meeting

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Hope's Pov

During the next couple weeks I have been avoiding Harry and been sneaking up to the Astronomey Tower every night just to clear my mind.

I get up out of bed at noon because all day I've been in a mood, I didn't want to wake up, I didn't want to do anything, I was tired and wanted- wait no needed some rest but no the universe has to screw me over again.

I change into a pair of blue jeans, a maroon shirt, and some combat boots and I was out of my dorm. I walked down to the Common Room and saw a couple of Slytherins sitting around, if you haven't noticed it's Saturday.

I decided I should paint today because that always takes my mind off of, well everything.

I hurried back to my dorm grabbed my art supplies, there was a lot of it so I used magic to float the items and follow me to the black lake.

I tread around the castle with many stares following my figure, hm you would've thought they would be aware of wandless magic but no their just beginners.

I set my supplies down on the dock and put my easel and canvas and began painting the black lake.


I've been there for about 2 hours and I am almost finished I just have to do the trees and that's about it. While painting I kept on hearing bushes rustle behind me along with small twigs breaking that with human ears you wouldn't hear.

I was pouring some more paint onto my paint pallet when I heard it again and I couldn't any more.

I turned around "look who ever you are come out I've known you were there ages ago now get out your driving me insane" I shout into what would seem like nothing.

Eventually someone pops out of the bush and it's someone I would've never thought. He had platinum blonde hair, grey stormy eyes, dressed in a black suit, hair messed up but kept well done. Draco Malfoy.

I've my time at Hogwarts I have heard one to many stories about the famous Malfoy, how he's a foul git boy with daddy issues. He was placed as the villain of the story because of his parents and beliefs.

Don't get me wrong his parents are terrible people but the things they have done to that boy were horrible. He had to grow up at such a young age and never really had to much friends.

He built up such a huge wall, better than trumps that to many he was inconsiderate, mean bad boy but in my eyes he was misunderstood, all his life he just needed someone to care and love for him like parents should but you can see how he got the short end of the stick.

"Hello Draco had fun watching me like a creep" I say

"Psh piss off Mikaelson I was observing the lake" he denies

"Oh really then you would've noticed the mermaids doing jumps then" I lie trying to catch him and thankfully he fell for the trap

"Oh yeah the m-mermaids yeah their jumps were fabulous" he stuttered

I smirk "their were no mermaids" he face drops but tries to cover it up but fails miserably

"Ok what if I was watching you paint, ok I guess" I roll my eyes

"You wanna see it" I ask

"Sure" he smiles

Good even his smile is dangerous

He walks closer to me and I turn my back to face the painting, I'd expect him to come up beside me but no. He towered over me from behind his head right above mine. He was a whole foot taller than me and it showed.

Legacies crossover Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now