She Returns

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Draco's Pov

Over the time of two weeks I have grown closer to Hope. We will go up to the Astronomey Tower late at night and sometimes talk, sometimes just sit their enjoying each others company.

Dinner had just ended and I was going to the Tower when I heard someone's conversation.

"Yeah, have you seen Mikaelson" said unknown voice

"Yeah bro she's fine" I growled at the mention of that sentence

"I would love to get a piece of her" I was beyond fuming with anger you could practically see the smoke coming out of my ears

"Hey there's a party tomorrow why don't you do a little something something to her drink"

As the conversation took off I became even more disgusted by it and by the end I had already left.

On the way I was thinking if I should tell her or not. If I told her now then I will lose a chance to gain her trust even more, but if I don't tell her and I can't help her then I am to blame.

But I decide to just tell because for once in my life I need to tell the truth. Let's just hope she doesn't see this memory because then she'll kill me before the dark lord does.

I walk up flights of stairs until I see her, it had snowed recently and made quiet the pile, almost 4 inches of snow.

Her auburn hair flows with small snowflakes sprinkled on them, her pale skin illuminating with the light of the moon. Her eyes almost turning into a crystal blue that was, wow.

"Are you gonna keep staring or are you gonna join me?" She questioned

I don't know how she does it, it's like she can sense where everyone is or is doing. Wait did she ever mention what she was? "No because you were inconsiderate" 'oh shut up but what could she be?' "I don't know why don't you ask again since it worked well the first time"

"Hey" I whispered, she chuckled

"Why are we whispering" she whispered

"I-I don't know" I stuttered

So hope" she turned to face me "what kind of creature are you, and it's ok it you don't want to answer that" I said quickly

"Oh um well it's probably about time you know. So I'm a tribrid a werewolf, vampire, and witch." My mouth gaped

"Yeah I'm technically not even supposed to be born with a original vampire as a father and a werewolf alpha as a mother and the original witch as a grandmother, I guess it just passed down to me making me a-" I cut her off

"Unicorn" she laughed

"Yeah I guess I am a unicorn" she smiled

God I love that smile, she illuminates the whole room, wait scratch that the whole world.

We talked for hours until it was time to go, we bid each-other goodbyes in the common room and headed to our dorms and fell asleep.


Hope's Pov

I was walking towards the Great Hall for breakfast when a group of people stopped me, I looked at their faces and noticed that it was Astoria and her gang of wannabes.

"So we meet again" Astoria says as each one of her friends circle around me.

I haven't noticed yet but a couple students started to gather around only attracting more.

"Hello Astoria, how can I help you" I said with a smile

"Well for starters you can leave Draco alone he's mine and only mine, two leave this school was not meant for freaks like you and we can handle you-know-who all by ourselves" I laughed

"It's the fact that you still use that taboo the reason why you need our help, and let's get one thing clear we didn't want to come here he had to, and secondly Draco isn't a prize to be won" her face faltered to a scowl

Now the whole school has gathered around the ten girls who may cause a fight. 1v9

"I tried to warn you but since you want things the hard way" she smirked "girls attack"

Each girls started firing hexes and some of the unforgivable curses like crucio, and well that's about it.

I started firing spells at them one at a time and when I was close enough I would fight them physically, and with magic.

I knocked out 3 of the girls already and there was 6 left. One came running towards me with her nails out and ready, I dodged her and my eyes started to glow and I heard some of the students gasped but didn't interfere.

"Motus" the girl flew back and hit the wall and stayed down five more to go.

Astoria grew madder by the second and casted the killing curse.

"Avada Kedarva" she casted

"Scutum" I casted

A white sparks flew out of my hand and collided with the grew sparks coming out of her wand.

No one has ever deflected the killing curse before and seeing it first hand is scary because you don't know who will win.

"Just give up hope your never gonna defeat the killing curse" Astoria cackled

"I'm the most powerful witch in our generation and a first born Mikaelson witch with constant power from the ancestors, you'll never beat me."

I start giving more power into the spells and I see Astoria falter a bit but still continues to use her power which is slowly killing her.

The killing curse is a lot of power and needs a lot of energy, hm how ironic instead of killing me it's killing her. Seems about right.

Before anyone of us could continue Dumbledore casts a spells that prevents our magic from continuing.

"Miss Greengrass Miss Mikaelson what is the meaning of this." Dumbledore demanded

"Professor Hope was trying to kill me and my friends, you see we were trying to get to the Great Hall and she just attacked us like the monster she is" Astoria cried

"Is that true Miss Mikaelson" I scoffed "of course not ask anyone here she lying"

Dumbledore turned and ask the students who stood and watched and they all said that Astoria and her hand was at fault here and I was just defending myself.

"Astoria I have given you grace but this is just unexpectable you will be sent to Azkaban for using the killing curse on a fellow student and will be expelled."

After he finished talking to Astoria the Aurors came and took her away, I didn't need to because I didn't use the spell with a wand and it wasn't a bad spell. So I was good.


Hope speaking

After the incident everything relatively went back to normal or as normal we could be, there's a war coming and we have to be prepared. Lives will be lost no doubt about that but we have to push through and fight against the monsters we long to see dead.

My family fought for my safety all my life and since I was so selfish I couldn't save them, but if I do this then I might be able to save the people I have grown to call my friends. If I do this then my families name will be redeemed.

I am Hope Andrea Mikaelson and nothing will get in my way in insuring the safety of my friends and family, because you don't mess with a Mikaelson Witch.

Legacies crossover Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now