The Wolf

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Hope's Pov

It's been a few weeks since we have arrived to Hogwarts. Josie was getting closer to Harry but is kinda stuck in a love triangle with Ginny Weasley Ron's sister.

Me and Lizzie were practicing spells that could help us and we've been teaching every house on Wednesday sine magic. And trust me it was very difficult but some have managed to lift a feather or lit a candle.

Right now I am getting ready in the room of requirements for our magic lesson. Each week I would have two house which were Slytherin and Gryfindoor, and Lizzie would have Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw Josie also helped her out with teaching.

One by one I watched as the students piled in to the once cluttered room of junks to a now dueling room big as the court yard at the compound.

"Ok now that everyone is here let's work on a ball of light spell, it's super easy it's just like lumos but with your hands." I wave my hands to make the lights dim to almost pitch black.

"Post Tenebras Spero Lucerne" I circled my hands around eachother as if there were a ball in between them and then they was a ball of light in my hands and I could see 6 feet in front of me.

I waved my hands and made it a little bit brighter but still dark and helped them say the words and the hand movements. After a while almost all of them could do it. There were a few Slytherins and Gryfindoor, Dr. Saltzman gave Rafael, Landon, MG, and Kaleb these rings that allow you to do magic.


It's been two hours and we've gone through multiple spells like "Expello" "Regelo" "Icaeus" etc. After I had dismissed them because it was lunch right now. I waited for my friends and we walked together and they were talking about how they could do sine magic.

"So hope could you always do since magic" Blaise asked

"Uh yeah I was born with it I just needed to practice" he nodded

"Is it true that Esther Mikaelson is your grandmother" Pansy asked

"Yeah she's dead thank god" I said

"Who's god" I laughed and told them everything about the muggle world they were curious but Draco tried not to be interested but I knew he was, he was different than that standard pure blood git.


It was now the end of the day and I'm am exhausted, I showered and changed into some sleeping clothes and immediately fell asleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night for some reason. I didn't have a bad dream or anything but something just made me wake up. I crawled out of bed stretching like a manic before heading down to the Common Room.

I walked down the stairs and saw a platinum blonde haired boy sitting on the couch with charms homework in front of him along with other classes.

"Hey Draco" I said in a raspy voice, I just woke up so don't judge me

He seemed startled at first but relaxed to see me "hello hope"

"Why are you up so late" I spoke as I took a seat on the opposite couch of him.

"Oh I couldn't sleep and I remembered I had homework to do" he said "what's your excuse"


Awkward silence fell in the Common Room because we didn't know what else to say but Draco broke it.

"Before you all arrived Dumbledore said that some you guys were werewolves and vampires? Is that true" he asked

"Oh um yeah some of us are, the Salvatore School is the only school in the world that allows all three factions." I said

Legacies crossover Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now