The Fight

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Astoria's Pov

The next morning I woke up and got dressed today is the day I rain hell fire on Mikaelson and make her wish she was never born. I walk to the library and check in the books than go to breakfast.

I'm going to do it at dinner so she can revel in it. I carry on with my classes with a playful smirk never leaving my mouth. First period than third then lunch than fourth and now it's showtime baby.


I walking into the Great Hall for dinner and saw Mikaelson sitting next to Pansy. I walk up to the group and sit down making it looks as casual as can be then I interrupt their talking.

"Hey guys you wanna here something interesting I've heard" I say out loud making sure everyone can here me

"Sure" along with some "yeah" came from the groups' mouth and I continued

"So hope I learned about your family and how their original vampires" I looked her dead in the eyes "do you know what else I learned hope is a freak of nature a tribrid like seriously couldn't be anymore of a outcast" I sneered but keeping going.

I can see her getting mad and I'm enjoying every last bit of it.

"Your an abomination just like your parents who do happen to be dead all thanks to you, I mean I have to thank you they were awful disgusting creatures".

Hope's Pov

Tears started to swell in my eyes as the words kept hitting me like a knife engraving the word "pain" into me.

I tried to stay calm but I couldn't last forever, nothing is supposed to.

"You killed your parents hope, they shouldn't have had you, you wanna know why because you were a waste of a life" she sneered "but did you know that she's a killer, yeah she killed a whole building full of them and felt no remorse"

'That's it you wanna make me the bad guy I'll show you a bad guy'

I stood up "you know what" she turned to face me "I'm really sick and tired of hearing your voice"

"Oh I'm just getting started" she smirks "hopes entire family are murders, her father kills for fun" she turns to face me "oh wait he's dead"

I ball my fist trying to control my wolf side from showing and my magic but it's to much and rather to soon in my opinion

She grips her wand and does a wand movement but before she could say the words I say mine faster.

"Morthes" (wandless magic) her wand flies out of her hand into mine.

"Let's make one thing clear here, friend"

"My parents died protecting me and yes I killed the vampires who took part in my mothers death and almost mine, I got my revenge with a bit of extra magic, who's to say that will not happen again"

"Your a monster, and monsters die sooner or later, look at your father" she spat

"Oh honey, it took my father 1,000 years to die and unlike everyone in the world" I lean in towards her ear "I am immortal"

I wave my hand and she falls from the wall and I walk out trying not to let any tears fall. You maybe wondering why when I definitely won that well I quoted all most all of my words with my fathers and some part of me pretended that he was standing in the corner of the room watching me.


Draco's Pov

Hope walked out and Astoria was left on the ground smirking like she did something to be proud of.

"What the hell was that Astoria!" I slightly shouted

Her face seem to falter a lot and did not go unnoticed by me 'what the bloody hell was that'

"What do you mean "what the hell was that" I was saving our arses she's a killer, a cold blooded one matter of fact, she didn't feel remorse for her kills." She shouted

"You know what I won't either when I Avada-" Dumbledore interrupted me mid-sentence

"Astoria that will be two weeks worth of detention and Draco finish that sentence and do receive the same fate as Miss Greengrass"

The Great Hall slowly but surely went back to children talking but I couldn't eat knowing hope wasn't tonight. My stomach grumbled but I don't think it was from food, but something else.


Hope's Pov

It's been a few days since the incident and not as many people talk to me taking Astorias side which is ridiculous, ludicrous, and unbelievable she a croon that needs to be put in their place.

I walked to classes like a zombie not liking the stares people give me nor the pity looks because my parents died.

Currently I was sitting in the library studying for our pop quiz were supposed to have in the next class, I kinda cheated and found out we had one using one of freya's old spells, but hey an A's and A.

"Um, hey hope" I look up to see Harry Potter

"Uh hey Harry" I look around "what are you doing here"

"I-uh just wanted to come say hi and talk you know" he said sitting down next to me

'Uh actually I do not know anti social remember'

"Oh sure I was just finishing"

'That's a lie I was just starting'

"Oh great so I'm sorry about Astoria couples days ago" he says

"Oh it's not your fault Harry but I do appreciate the apology, I don't get much of those" I mumble the last part

He nods "ok I just wanted to let you know I know what it feels like to have parents who are dead to"

'Did he really just say that'

"Are you using my dead parents as a conversation starter?" I question

His eyes widen "oh Merlin no i-i just wanted to say that I get it, we're similar"

"I'll stop you right there, me and you are not similar nor will we ever be, my parents are dead yes, I am a tribrid, I always had to be judged over what my family did in the past, so no I will not agree that we are similar because if we were I would've turned myself over to Voldemort years ago"

I get up and walk to the Common Room and head straight to my dorm, I drop my school bag which felt so much better with the extra weight off my shoulder and I dropped into my soft bed.

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