Relationships and Heartbreaks

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I want to prove to other that I am worthy of being good and bad, I want to be my mother and father. I sigh and look at each and every one of their faces then his. I look him directly in the eyes staring into his soul, I noticed a flash of fear come across his mind before I was sealed shut.

"So do you have an answer" he asked not breaking eye contact



"Yes" I say "I'll join" the deatheaters cheer "but, I will not have one of those marks on my forearm" Voldemort gives a creepy smile


"Draco when a meeting comes you brings her" he turns to the pale boy

"Yes my lord" he says lifting his face to look at him


The rest of the meeting was him just going on about what will happen the usual, after we were dismissed me and Draco went back to Hogwarts together.

We apparated to the common room luckily no one was there and it was just us to. The moon light decorated the common room with a emerald green aura it was very pleasant.

"Hope why the bloody hell did you agree!" Draco sneered

"Because I have bigger plans" I simply stated

"What are you talking about?" Draco questioned

"I know you don't want this, being a deatheater. You only do it because of your father, and from what people had already portrayed you as." I take steps closer to him

"You are good Draco you just think that if people see you being good then they'll expect good, and you don't want to live up to anyone's expectations." He looked stunned to say the least

"And you can deny it all you want and play the tough boy act, but trust me it's not worth it pushy people away. I've done it and years later it kicked me in the ass, so I'm politely asking if you will join me in defeating him."

He stepped away from me thinking about what I had just said and how deep I said it.

Draco's Pov

I slowly took steps away from Hope taking everything she said. She knows what she said was correct and I know it as well but don't want to admit it.

But I don't want this life, a life as a deatheater. I hate being branded like this bounded to evil. It's not my fault that pure blood supremacy was the only thing I know.

I wasn't taught that there was two sides to chose from, but that you always have to chose the winning. Hope showed me that there are always a choice we can make and I want to chose her.

Without thinking I take larger steps towards her and do the one thing I never thought I'd do, and that's kiss a girl with so much passion.

I cupped her cheeks gently as her hands traveled to my neck, our tongues fought for dominance but in the end she gave up and let me take over.

After a couple minutes we pulled away needing air. We stared into each others eyes I kissed her again needing her one more time before pulling away.

"Woah" I said with a smirk on my lips

"y-yeah woah" she blushes and puts her head in my chest.


Hope's Pov

I woke up to the sun rays shining through the black lake onto my face. I stretched still in bed but I was pulled back down by a arm around my waist.

I looked at the owner of said arm and saw Draco Malfoy with his arm wrapped tightly but not to tight around my waist.

"Good Morning" I say

"Good Morning, love" he said with his morning voice, god it's heavenly

He pulls me to his chest and I snuggle closer to him as he re-wraps his arms around me again as we fall back asleep.


Josie's Pov

Every since we had arrived at the school I had taken a certain liking into two people, one of them being the one person being hunted by a deranged wizard seeking to kill him.

And the other being the youngest sibling to a family full of red heads. I couldn't possibly chose between the two but lately I have been spending more time with Ginny Weasley.

She has taught me how to play quidditch which I never thought I'd be able to play, she taught me wizards chess (which Ginny learned from Ron). She's been there for me when times were thought like Lizzie being Lizzie.

She's stuck with me and I am on my way to the room of requirements where I had asked her to meet me there. I don't really know if she's gay or not but let's just go for it, right?

I come up to the corridor and think of the room of requirements and push through the door. I walk in a little and can't find her, I just walk further in which I shouldn't have done.

I turn the corner and hear people talking. I look and see that it's Harry and Ginny, I stay hidden because it seems like a private discussion and I'm kinda waiting for ginny.

All is going well until I see the both is them leaning in and eventually, kiss. I gasp whic was my biggest mistake I immediately siphon Magic from a near by source and become invisible.

"Did you hear that Harry?" Ginny asked

"It's probably nothing" Harry retorted and they finished where they had left off

I left the room of requirements and headed towards my dorms, I walked pass multiple people who gave me questioning looks but I didn't dare to meet their eyes.

I forced the door open with magic and closed it the same way. I laid in bed balling my eyes out wishing that I could get one of those twin hugs from Lizzie but she's not here because of these stupid houses.

I miss her so much we don't get to see eachother as often as we'd like but we try that's all that matters, right?

Narrators Pov

There's a lot of things that happened within the past 24 hours to all the students. Hope found herself a new lover in dark times. Josie was heartbroken by two of the people she held dearest. Rafael being out of place in a school full of magic, he didn't fit in.

Landon still hung up on his break up with Hope and his mixed feelings for Josie Saltzman. Kaleb and MG being misjudged and feared by what they are. It's been a tough time for the Salvatore Students and some wish to leave but some wish to stay.

Lizzie has got an eye for Blaise Zambini and him being him he's being a complete dick. He doesn't know how to act around Lizzie, yes he is extremely handsome he's awkward around Lizzie.

Let's just hope everything will be fine as the days go by because the Salvatore Students cannot afford mistakes right now that lives are at stake. Will they make it through this tough time? Or will they crumble and let evil rise above all and win?

Legacies crossover Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now