The Order

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Hope's Pov

Last night the golden trio had searched for the horocruxes, horocruxes are fragments of a wizards soul to obtain immortality.

They asked if I wanted to help them search but I declined s saying something like "I'll help from the castle", they hesitated but let it go and left.

They couldn't know that I was a deatheater even though I didn't have the mark, I still am. The meetings have been happening more recently and been more late and night so I haven't gotten a full night sleep and it's showing.

I have been tasked to help Draco fixed the vanishing cabinet to allow the deatheaters to come in freely without trouble. Lately it's been hard because we've run into some problems.

"This stupid cabinet isn't working" Draco shouted

"It must work, it has to or else we're both as good as gone" I say

"Wow great words of encouragement" Draco seethes

"Just trying to help" I mumble


I'm not gonna lie I did flinch a bit but managed to regain composure. I take a deep breath and continue.

"Look I get it there's something on the line that is valuable to you that he has. But we cannot turn on eachother that will get us both now where." I say calmly

He walks off not far. He takes a couple deep breathes before coming back.

"Sooty for snapping at you" he says quietly

"It's fine let's just get this done I'm tired" and we begin to work in a comfortable silence.


Harry's Pov

"How do you know he's a death eater" Sirius questions

"Because he's a Malfoy" I spat

"Did he tell you he was a death eater?"


"Did you see a mark"

"No, but-"

"But nothing as much as I hate his father Draco may not be like him" Sirius stated

"But how do you know? He's evil." I shout

"Because I wasn't my parents, they believed in pure blood supremacy, but I don't" I keep quiet

"Look Harry I have to go I'll see you later alright"

"Fine, goodnight"

"Goodnight Harry"

Sirius burns in flames and his face disappears, I sigh and sit on the common room couch and put my head in my hands. 'He has to be one, he's a Malfoy. Malfoys are bad.'

"Are you alright" I turn quickly towards to girls stairs and see Josie Saltzman

"O-oh yeah I'm fine I'm just thinking" I stuttered

"You know thinking sometimes does more harm than good" she says as she takes a seat next to me.

"What's up with you" she nudges my side

"I'm just worried, that's all"

"Yeah me too but of totally different reasons" she says looking down

"How about you tell me your problems, maybe it'll distract me from mind" I ask, she smiles

"Only if you tell me yours after" I nod

"Okay I'm worried about Lizzie, I heard that Slytherin in a bad house and I don't want her to go down a path like our psychotic uncle did"

"Who's your uncle? If you don't mind me asking." I say

"Kai Parker you won't know him but he was bad. He killed our mother while we were still in her womb. We were magically transported into our surrogate mom" I make an "o" shape with my mouth

"Yeah weird right" she says with a sad smile

"Yeah, but I think that exceeds the limits of weird" I say with a little laugh that she also shared.

We talked about me thinking, well knowing Draco is a death eater and surprisingly she gave really good advice. Probably came in handy when she had to help her sister.

We bid goodbyes and I went to sleep with a clear mind which is very rare. My thought are most likely gonna come back tomorrow anyway.


Narrator's Pov

It's been days and Voldemort is starting to close in on the school. He already made a plan to go to the department of mysteries for the prophecy of the chosen one.

Hope and Draco are almost done with the cabinet, Harry is getting more suspicious of Malfoy as things don't add up.

Harry starts to realize how close Hope and Draco have gotten. They aren't at dinner nor lunch anymore. He hardly sees Hope in classes and hermonie is starting to be top of the class now.

He starts to question Hope alliance in this war. 'She's supposed to be helping us not them' Harry thought. The thought was immediately dismissed when Josie came into view.

Him and Josie started getting close and Ginny was jealous, Ginny was meant to be with Harry she thought. She hated the "Gryfindoor Twin" as many liked to call her.


Hope's Pov

I had already missed class because I was working on the cabinet alone because I couldn't find Draco. The Professors have grown suspicious and I think it's time for me to tell Dumbledore about where I stand.

I walk out of the room of requirements making sure that no one is around before placing a silencing spell on my shoes and run to his office.

"Sherbet Lemons" I say to the gargoyle

I run up the stairs and knock on the door. I hear the faintest "come in".

"Hello Miss Mikaelson" Dumbledore says

"Hello Professor we have to talk" I vaguely state

"I know what this is about" he vaguely states as well 'well that's just childish'

"You do?" I question

"Yes I know you are a spy, I have to admit it was clever and I'm impressed" I smile "but it was extremely dangerous for you to do that."

"I know what you tired to do, you were trying to get information to report to me, and help Mr Malfoy. And because of that I award Gryfindoor with 100 house points" I smile

"Thank you for the points but I don't think we are getting to the point" I furrow my eye brows

"Yes I know, there's this army called "The Order" ever heard of it" I shake my head "no"

"Good then that means that the members have kept the secret but it's a group of people who want to defeat Voldemort and have to power to do so. I believe that with your help we can achieve that with much more ease and less deaths" I nod

"As of now there are ministry members and a couple of students like The golden trio, the weasleys, and a couple of others. I would like it if you join along with the rest of your friends and maybe family"

"Uncle Kol would go ballistic" I laugh

"I meant the witches but yes you could bring the originals" I sigh

"Well then count us in" he smiles and we shake hands

Legacies crossover Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now