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I changed some characters so if you already read chapter one I'd go there again, I'll introduce Jeongin and Hyunjin later, for now you have Jae and Brian in the gang ( stan Day6)

The eight boys stopped after a day, Minho deciding they should camp there, since they were still a few hours away from the werewolf terrotitory. They didn'tbwant to use shift again, since they were in mixed territory, none of them were safe there, and they had to keep alive, at least two vampires and the werewolves. Jisung had rope around his wrists again, even though he kept on saying Minho hadn't tie him up the first time, which was dribingnthe older crazy.

Actually, Jisung was driving the older crazy.

During the whole walk the only thing he could think about was his mate. He tried his best not to look at the boy but there was no way. His soft smile, as if he handn't just been abducted, played in his face like he was an angel, his hair completly messed by the wind, his face starting to burn drom the sun. He used baggy clothes, brown and green, just like the others, but he looked so small in them, so cusdly. Minho growled at himself for thinking about it, for wanting so much to go and hug him as he stared at the youg boy sleep peacefully as soon as the night fell.

He almost didn't fell Changbin sitting next to him, his eyes shining in a beautiful silver shade.

Werewolves eyes only had one colour when they turned, weather completly or partly.


Vampires though, were much more complicated creatures. Their eyes changed colours when they had diferent emotions.

Red for anger.

Blue for sadness.

Purple for pain.

Those were the basic one, as soon as their emotions got to much, their eyes would glow to let others know what was happening.

Vapires were snealy creatures, though, many of them having wierd abilities, not quite powers, they were just extremly good at fiting, or jumping high, or running fast. Some of them could blend in the jungle pretty good, almost like chameleons.

And then there were the royals. The royal family, meaning those Chan amd Felix boys, were the most dangerous. Ancient powers ran in the royal blood, auch as fire control, invisibility, and such. Years ago, their former home had been burnt to the groud during a battle, by the king of vampires himself. Minho was just a kid, hidden in his mother's arms by then, but he would never forget that night.

The night the king's eyes were glowing in the rarest colour, the royal colour, as the falmes destroyed everything he had ever known.

The night his mom sacrifices herself for Minho's life.

The night he realized what vampires were made of, and why they couldn't be trusted.

"Why are you looking like that?", Minho aighed as he saw Changbin's sad gaze.

"Don't you feel it?", the older's eyes looked lost. "The mate pull. Just thinking about what's going to happen to Felix my heart almost explodes of fear and I've know the guy for a day."

Minho didn't know what to say to his friend.

"I know Bin but orders are orders, he's a royal and a vampire, there's no way you can be together."

Changbin burried his face on his hands, trying to keep it together.

"It hurts so bad Minho, how are you okay?"

"I'm an alpha, probably the mate pull is lighter on me."

Changbin stared at him.

"Well don't you feel atracted to him? Not even a bit?"

Minho growled.

"Of course not, he's a vampire. I want distance from him.", he lied.

Changbin sighed and got up.

"I'm going to sleep first, wake me up when you are tired."

Minho noticed his friend's tone, but he couldn't do anything. He hated vamoires and Jisung was a vampire. Yes he was cute and hot and he wanted to both pin his to a tree and take his inocence and cuddle him up to sleep but he simple couldn't he had to resist the mate pull until his dad decides what to do with the boy. And then... Minho didn't want to remember all the stories about werewolves who lost their mates, or got rejected. The painfull houls and the slow deaths after theybwent crazy.

No, he had to be strong. He didn't need Jisung.

He walked over to where the smaller one slept, his plump lips partly open and his puffy cheeks asking to be kissed. Minho sat in front of him, carefully taking in his features, now that he didnmt need to eorry about being caught by the younger.

He looked etheral.

Minho's eyes softened as he reached to caress Jisung's cheek, trying his best to hold back and at least not wake up the younger. A small smile grew on his lips as the small shifted in his sleep, leaning into the touch.

The werewolf got startled at the sudden movement, when Jisung's hand took his from his face, pulling him closer and hugging his forearm under Minho's shocked gaze. The older felt his face burn as he moved to a more confortable position, siting closer to the younger and letting the sleepy boy snuggle to his side, trying not to freak out.

He smelled diferent than all the other vampires he had encountered, diferent than the other three there as well.

He smelled like heaven.

Minho carefully intertwined their fingers, looking at the boybin awe as their mate marks seemed to complete eachother.

Would they ever have the complete marks?

Minho shrudded to himself, immagining the thin line going all the way aroung his wrist, reminding him he was Jisung's. But Jisung was a vampire, they couldn't complete the bond.

They couldn't.

Minho sighted and just stood there, staring at the boy that had came to turn his life upside down, no knowing that Jisung was awake the whole time, a lazy smile spreading om his face as he pretendes to be asleep, both for Minho's control sliping away and because he knew that his mate hadn't niticed the boy that slipped out of camp minutes before, running as fast as he could to the vampire kingdom.

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