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Hi, this is just a small reminder that IF SOMEONE ELSE DMS ME SAYING I SHOULD EDIT HYUNJIN OUT OF MY FICS I'LL BLOCK YOU and write a new story with him as main character :)

Also just because of that I even brought him to this story before I was supposed to, you don't like it, leave.

Stan our little star.

Enjoy the chapter.


As soon as they reached the werewolf territory Jisung knew something was going to go terribly wrong. For the two day's trip, Minho hadn't let go of him for even a second. He walked hand in hand with the guy and pulled him into his embrace every time there was a sound in the forest. That night he cuddled him to sleep even though Jisung almost didn't mannage to fall into the dreamland. His heart was racing faster at every step they took, closer and closer to where things would all fall appart, if not one way, then another.

Minho let go of his hand as soon as they saw the border, with a frightful look and an apologetic smile, increasing Jisung's anxiety.

The four werewolves were greeted by the others across the streets, the city around the castle full of them, all looking scary as hell to the vampires. Some glared at them while the children laughed, some didn't seem to care, they just kept on doing their daily affairs as if vampires being dragged into the kingdom was something fairly normal.

Which probably was.

Jisung? Can you hear me?

The younger's heart shot up, trying not to show it with his face.


No, Seungmin.

Jksung let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding, even though that made him feel even more nervous.

Are you okay, Min?

Fine, some scratches, how about you?

Fucked up, Min, fucked up.

They finally reached the castle gates and three guards waited there for them, fully armed and in uniform. One of them a different uniform, neat and darker, as if he was more important.

"We shall take them to the king, which ones are the royals?"

"Wait.", the one that looked like the captain interrupted the second guard and narrowed his eyes. " The king asked for the two royals, I see three vampires."

I loved to meet you, Min, but I feel like I'm about to die.

What? No, Ji. You should have been the one to run.

You know I couldn't, Minho would have noticed during the night, you made a good choice.

Keep up Jisung, we'll be there in three days.

Just three days.

Jisung took a deep breath as he felt Minho scoring closer to him, grabbing his hand behind his back, pretending to keep him still on the chains that united his wrists.

"I need to speak to my father about this.", Minho glared at one of the guards who seemed to be sizing Jisung up.

"No do, sorry, Minho.", the captain wrinkled his nose. "We have orders to kill any intruder, right now that vampire is the intruder."

Both the guards shifted immediatly, throwing themselves at Jisung, who just stood there wide eyed.

He could have defended himself.

But that would give him to much atention.

Minho quickly pulled him behind himself and stared at the two werewolves that immediatly froze, not wanting to hurt their future leader.

"I said, I need to talk to my father.", he growled, pulling Jisung back to Jae, who simply smiled softly at the guy, not fully understanding what was happening but remembering that was his mate. "If anyone, and I mean anyone, touches him, I will not exitate to get you of the pack." He glared at the captain. "Understand, Hwang?"

The guys seemed taken aback, his expression immediately changed and he whispered to his childhood friend.

"What the hell is happening?"

The future alpha sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Go to my room this night, I'll explain, after dinner."

The captain nodded, his eyebrows furrowed, and signaled the other two guards to shift back.

"Go see if the patrols need anything, if not you are free until lunch."

They both nodded at their captain, moving back without eyeing Jisung one more time.


"Let me think, Minho."

Hyunjin looked between everyone and his eyes widened. He took a few steps to the group, Felix flinched when the captain got close to him, knowing exactly what would happen. The guy grabed his wrist and pulled him close, burying his face in the younger's neck leaving everyone dumbfounded.

Changbin was the first one to react, pulling Felix from the taller's embrace and securing his arms around his waist.

"Get your dirty hands of my mate.", he growled at the captain but the guy seemed to be somewhere else.

"Y-you smell almost like them."

Minho forrowed his eyebrows.


The captain seemed to come back to reality, looking away from Felix into the ground.

"Sorry, I just...", he bit his lip looking at Minho. "Did Changbin just say mate?"

The shorter immediately looked around, almost as if he remembered where he was and let go of Felix, still keeping his hand on the taller's back.

Minho nodded.

"Holly shit, a vampire?", he looked him up and down but Felix couldn't find the hate in his eyes. He was genuinely just surprised. That made the freckled boy feel more at ease. "And a royal one, Seo, I'm so sorry pal."


"Of course.", Hyunjin stared back at him as if it were obvious." You know, you can't stay together."

No one said anything as the guy began walking, motioning to Minho.

"I'll inform the king you are here, Minho, bring the third, you'll talk with him firstly. Nice scarf, by the way."

Minho glanced at the boy by his side and sighed. Under the Hyunjin's curious gaze he reached for the keys Brian held and got him of the chains.

"Let's go."

"Minho, he's a prisoner.", Hyunjin looked at him, half concerned half confused. "He should be in chains, what if he flees? Vampires are sneaky why are you trusting him?", his voice almost sounded desperate.

Minho started into his soul das he reached for Jisung's hand and intertwined his fingers, Hyunjin's mouth dropped.

"Watch how you talk about my mate, Hwang."

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