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I disapeared but I can back and I bring you a double update, I guess I have a plot for this story again, I know where this is going.

Hope you enjoy :)

Minho woke up first, just as Jisung had said. He usually did indeed, Changbin was normally the second, even though sometimes he happened to be early, which thankfully didn't happen that morning.

The alpha's son carefully got up, without waking Jisung up, and looked around, finding Changbin laying down next to his own mate, their hands slightly touching. He couldn't help it but to smile, even though he knew the boys couldn't have a happy ending. He had no idea what his dad wanted to do with the two vampires, but letting one of them live with them, specially being the future beta's mate, was obviously not part of his plan.

Minho bit his lip, staring into the cloudy sly.

Letting a random vampire that he hadn't even asked for live with his sim, the future alpha, was obviously something he would never allow as well, which left Minho in a dificult situation.

The boy kicked Changbin and Brian, ordering them to lift camp and wake everyone up. Like that, after twenty minutes, give it a take, they were all walking towards the village again.

Jisung slowly let himself stay behind, Brian waking with Chan and Felix in some timid conversation with his mate.

"Where are we going, exacly?", the younger asked as they were finally walking side to side.

"You don't know Briklet?", the younger shook his head and the taller sighed, not convinced at all. He still answered him, though. "It's a stupid village where people take cover, outside of both territories. It's where people who are mated with the other species go to be accepted.", his heart felt heavy as he said this. "Or friends who simply happened to be born enemys, even though I don't get how those ones happen."

"Who hurt you?", the younger pretended to pout at the guy, making his heart slip a beat.

"Very funny, I just don't have a good past with your species.

Jisung sudenly stoped, crossing his arms. Minho stoped as well, almost by instinct, and stared at the guy.

"Can you stop using the word species? I told you we are not animals."

"You're not humans as well."

"As if you were!"

"Guys.", Changbin was standing next to them which made Minho jump a little, he hated how sneaky the shorter was. "Can you stop fighting and walk? We are almost there and I'm hungry.", the shorter suddenly stoped and his eyes widened, his mouth forming a small smile.

"Do I have something on me?"

"Yeah, Lee.", the alpha almost chocked at the informality. Even though they were friends, Changbin would always, at leas, call him by name, not his surname. "Nice bite you have there, almost as pretty as the hickey."

Minho cursed himself mentally for not being able to cover them and sighed, knowing the shorter would make his life a living hell.

"Let's just go.", the taller motioned them both in front of him and spent the rest of the time trying to cover up his neck with a piece of fabric from his sleeve, ending up, literally, with the piece around his neck and a knot, kind of making a scarf that matched his outfit.

He was pretty proud of it.

As soon as they saw the houses, Brian started whining about how hungry he was and rubbing his stomach. Chan laughed at the werewolf and rubbed his own stomach, even though if he was hungry, the solution wouldn't be the same.

Changbin grabed Felix's hand as soon as the guards came to them, the children of the village watching them at the entrance with curious eyes.

Minho stepped foward and bowed to them.

"We wish for shelter and food, we wish to speak to your leader."

One of the guards motioned them to follow him and took them between small houses made of irregular stones and water fountains everywhere. They saw kids playing and old people talking, a few teenage girls and boys murmuring at their passage and some people around their ages, young adults seemed to be lacking there at the moment.

The guard stoped at the entrance of a bigger house, all made of back and white stones desorganizes, making it look odd.

"Jackson Hyung, some people wish to see you."

They entered the house to stare at a young man, his balck hair parted midways as his eyes smilled widely, his lips even more.

"Welcome to Briklet, what brings you here?"

"We wish for positions at the village, a house, food and some occupancies, sir.", Minho talked firmly, but his hand seemed to shake.

The older guy squinted his eyes and nodded.

"We have three houses at the B side, houses are in pairs, unless you're families, you guys can decide the pairs I don't really care." He threw some keys at them. "I'll see what positions we need and you'll be told where you are needed in two days."

Minho nodded.

"Thankyou, sir."

"I'm here for this, exacly.", the older smiled, his eyes turning silver.

"So, what creatures are you?"

Minho's eyes immediatly turned silver as well, followed by the other two.

"The other three are vampires.", Minho tried not to spit the words.

"Vampires and werewolves are the most complicated relationships we have here. They never arrive together, this is a first time.", Jackson looked out of his small window, siting at the desk. " We try to control them the best we can here, but they are natural enemys, I've never seen werewolves and vampires being friends, successfully, for long."

"I'm sure we will be different, sir.", Chan smiled, a little bit uncomfortable.

"Of course, we'll see, anyway, take them to their rooms, Bambam."

The guard nooded as led them between more people, streets and houses, until they reached three houses in a row, all black built and cozy looking.

"These three are yours, the dinner hall is that way, follow the sound, dinner is at 6, breakfast at 8 and lunch at 1, if you fail them you can just snack something any time of the day. There are showers in every house but if you want to have a hot one you'll need to go to side D and shower there in the common ones."

He shouted some more random information and then left, telling the guys dinner would be served in almost no time.

"So, how much time are we staying here?", Brian asked, looking around.

Minho shrugged.

"I have no idea how long the vampires might be attacking the palace, we all know Jae will come for us eventually, he knows we're we are. We'll stay here until he comes for us and we know it's safe to go home."

"Alright, and the houses?"

Minho glared at Changbin, knowing exacly what he wanted. He rubbed his temple and sighed.

"Just stay with your mate, we need to keep an eye on them anyway. Changbin and Felix, Brian and Jisung, I'll take the prince."

Chan chuckled as he got into the first house, seeing Minho's longin look towards Jisung.

That was going to be fun.

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