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Changbin laughed to himself before waking Minho up. The alpha was laying down next to his mate, their hands intertwined and their faces dangerously close. He didn't comment on it as the other quicly got up, lookind around the camp, the shorter knew it was better to stay shut.

"Where's the other one?", Changbin looked around, only to see the fourth biy missing. Jae woke up as soon as the alpha started yelling, followed by the others.


Jisung groaned and turned around, as Chan and Felix rubbed their eyes, Brian kept on sleeping.

"Who's missing? Oh, Seungmin.", Chan's mouth deopped as he realized the younger had been able to fled, a small smile growing on his face.

Minho's eyes glew silver as he turned to Jae, the wolf getting up immediatly.

"Run to my father, I don't care if it's dangerous you go and you warn them the vampires are coming, you tell them we will keep the prince and his cousin hidden and away from the kingdom so the vampires can't take them. You do it fast."Jae immediatly turned into a wolf and disappeared into the wild."You, wake Brian up, get the prisioners going, we'll take cover in Briklet, it's the only village that'll take all of us."

Changbin nooded, wide eyes.

"I t-thought you hated t-that village.", he said as he alone Brian.

"I do, it's ridiculous to live betwen both species, but they are our only option.", he turned to the royal vampires." We are just a bunch of friends now, going to take cover in a frindly village because our kingdoms won't accept our friendship, but if one of you tries to run I'll hunt you down to the end of time and I'll rip your throats."

Minho turned to Jisung and walked to him, shaking the boy agressivly.

"Wake up piece of shit, we need to go.", Jisung looked at him, his sleepy eyes making Minho gulp.

"You don't need to be so agressive, wolf boy, calm the fuck down."

Minho felt his blood boil and pulled him up by his hair, making the younger gasp. His own head hurt, because of the bond, but he didn't give a fuck.

"I talk the way I want to because I am the fucking alpha and you can't stop me blood sucker. I'll destroy you if you ever disrespect me again."

Jisung looked the werewolf dead in the eye, small tears starting to fall dowm his puffy cheeks due to the pain. Minho's hand immediatly let go of his hair, his heart ached as if an arrow had just gone through his chest. His eyes stopped glowing and his mouth dropped. Jisung got up quickly and whiped his tears.

"You're not my alpha, I owe you nothing, fucker", his voice was almost a whisper, more sad than agressive. Minho slowly got up and stared down at the boy, his words caught in his throat." We have a village to go to, right? Lead the way."

The boy turned back and walked to a shocked Chan and Felix, the latter glaring at Minho, half mad half disapointed at the guy. Minho felt even worse than before.

"Minho, you heard the guy, lead the way."

Changbin slightly pushed his alpha, making him finally walk, hoping this little insident had had as much impact on the older as it looked like.

Minho bit his lip as Jisung's eyes avoided his. He sighed, starting to walk with the 5 boys behind him.

This was for the better.


"We'll stop and camp here for tonight.", Minho dropped his bag heavily on the floor, followed by the other boys. "We're less than a day away from Bricklet but I don't feel like risking our necks in the night, we still aren't in safe territory."

"By now Jae has arrived home. They mist be preparing."

"Good.", Minho ignored the vampires eyes rolls and kept talking to Changbin. "The vampires will be there in less than two days, for sure, they are fast even in a big group."

"Look, we love your hospitality and all, but I'm literally starting to die of hunger, in case you didn't know vampires can't be without feeding for more than two day.", Chan raised his eyebrow. "I mean I don't really like life so I wouldn't mind but I assume you need us alive."

Brian tried to surpress a laugh as Minho sighed, looking around.

"Fine, me and Changbin will go hunting."

"That will take forever.", Jisung whined, everyone turning to him. "Don't take me wrong but you are not very good at sneaking on animals."

"We managed to sneak on you, though."

"No matter what your little brain wants to believe in, we are not animals.", Jisung spatted, glaring at the alpha's son.

"Of course."

"You're one to talk, you are literally half wolf."

This time Minho didn't answer.

"I mean, he's not wrong, though, it always takes us so luch time to get food.", Brian shrugged.

"We'll all be dead by the time you mannage to catch something. Let me do it.", Jisung stood before Minho, his arms streched in front of him as he avoided the older's eyes, making his mate's heart ache.

Why did it had to hurt so much?

Minho carefully started untying the knot, letting his eyes wander again throught the younger's face.

"How do I know you won't run away?"

Jisung scoffed, still not making eye contact.

"I'm too weak, wouldn't mannage to run fas enough."

The older sighed and, under everyone's gaze, untied the final knot, watching as the younger quickly disapeared in the forest in his vampire speed.

Changbin put a hand on his shoulder.

"Want it or not he's making you soft. You just risked a lot."

"Our mission is to get those two, not him."

Changbin let out a chuckled.

"Keep denying it, but don't come crying to me when he stars hating you atitude and rejects you as his mate.", the shorter turned to the others. "Brian, watch the prince, freckled boy, come with me, let's get some branches for the fire."

Minho just stood there, looking at the direction where Jisung had disapeared to. He didn't even bother acolding Changbin for taking his mate away, not even warning him to be careful and not lose the royal vampire.

Don't come crying at me when he starts hating your atitude and rejects you as his mate.

It would hurt, but maybe it was for the netter.

He could never stay with a vampire, no matter how much his heart ached for the younger.

He was an alpha so... he could handle the rejection.

He shoock his head.

What was he thinking? He was the one who was going to reject the younger, right?

Then why hadn't he already?

Minho burried his face in his hands and sat down as he heard chatter from the prince and Brian on the other side of the improvised camp.

He was just waiting for the right moment.

That was it.

After all, this was what he wanted.


I have this story planed like, until the middle and then I have no idea what I'll be doing, but I think my other two went well and I did the same so, I hope you're liking it 😅

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