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I have a little antagonist here called Mark, not any Mark you know I just feel like Mark is a good name for a prick at the camp, don't associate him with any kpop idol please, Thankyou :)

Also why am I writing like crazy right now? Because my heart hurts and I need to fill it with something :)

Jisung woke up, for the tenth day in a row, pressed against Minho's chest.

The older had his mouth half opened and messy morning hair that made him look like everything he tried not to be. Cute, vulnerable, ready to be put into a pot and adored for the rest of eternity.
The first nights were complicated, for both of them. After Jisung's little scene at the lake Minho had managed to ignore him for two days straight, both of them pretending to sleep, in separate beds, while trying to ignore the shooting pain in their hearts. The living representation of so close but so far away. After the second night, Jisung had had enough of it. He climbed onto the others bed under Minho's widened eyes and simply snuggled into his embrace, burying his head on the older's nape and kissing it softly over the bite marks that were slowly starting to close. He smiled as he felt Minho hug his waist, pulling him even closer. After that night, they were okay, Jisung guessed. Minho still avoided him a lot during the day, which wasn't hard since Jisung was helping in the actual city, moving wood to the central all day while Minho worked on the fields with most werewolves trying to hunt. Apparently Jackson, a werewolf, didn't want vampires to go hunt since they were kind of closer to the werewolf border than the vampire one, which meant it would be way less dangerous for them to be caught even though vampires hunted faster.

That day Jisung woke up with a bad feeling, but shrugged it of as he saw the older open his eyes, lazily. Jisung frowned and tried to get up, as he did every morning after giving up on trying to speak to him in the morning. The older always shrugged him of as soon as he woke up, moving to take a shower and then left, only to see him again at lunch. It was like he only needed him to be there so his heart wouldn't hurt at night, nothing more.

That is why he was so surprised when he felt himself being pulled against the older again, pressed against his chest with a hand ruffling his hair.

"Morning Ji."

The younger felt his heart race.

Why are you doing this Lee Minho?


The older lifted his head and pressed his lips on a thin line as he caressed the younger's cheek.

"It is probably over." Jisung's heart fell as he understood what he meant. "Yesterday we had to hide at the border, a bunch of vampires walking back to your territory, Jae will probably arrive tomorrow."

"I see.", Jisung tried to ignore the pain as he got up, pretending to stretch.

Jae would come to get them.

He would take them to the castle.

They would have to separate for good.

That morning they got ready quicly, Minho looked at the boy for a few seconds before castly kissing his forehead and leaving to the field.

Jisung fowned again and left as well, finding Chan.

"Hey mate!" Jisung hummed."What's happening?"

"The patrols and hunting crew saw the vampires going back yesterday, tomorrow we'll be on our way to the werewolf territory."

"Shit. What are we going to do?"

Jisung bit his lip.

"I can't reach Seungmin's mind link, I don't get why, but if they are going back either they know we are not there are are going to look for us elsewhere or they are just reagrouping."

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