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Oh how I plan on making things escalate in the next chapters :)

After a cold shower to get of all the bad energies of him, Minho and the others were on their way to the dinner hall, which was really really noisy, just like Bambam had said.

As they got there, Jisung was basicly clinging into Minho's arm, the older pretending he didn't feel it. They were looking at about 200 creatures talking, some fairies in their natural forms, some vampires that drank from blood sacks as the merman's and mermaids attacked the seaweed next to them, in their human forms. There were witches and werewolves in small packs, some furries and people that looked normal at the first sight, but for sure weren't.

"Can you let go, please?", he finally shock his arm, making the younger jump away." It's just a bunch of people."

"Creatures I've never seen before."

Minho scoffed.

"What are you? A stable boy? Don't you ever leave your house?"

Jisung pouted.

"Of course I do, but besides our kingdoms I haven't seen anything else and no other creature in our common territory."

Minho sighed and started walking again, as he stoped an empty table. He sat down and the food immediately appeared in front of him.

He tried to ignore the vampires sucking blood besides them, even though Jisung seemed to not like it very much which kind of annoyed the guy. He took his chance to look around at the other werewolves and vampires, actually understanding what Jackson had been talking about. The groups stood apart from each other, even though all of the other creatures mixed up, sometimes they glared at each other, leaving the atmosphere a bit tense.

He thanked the mixture of smells on that village, which made it impossible to distinguish any one by what they were. He was stupidly scared the werewolves would have tried to take them away from the vampires.

Because they couldn't lose them.

For the mission, of course.

Even though his nose kept on losing track of any smell he'd be able to identify for a second, if he concentrated, he would always find Jisung's scent in the middle of that mess.

He laughed at he saw the guy on his side glare at the blood sack.

"Isn't it good enough?"

Jisung pressed his lips, looking at Chan for help. The prince immediately smiled, taking his sack away from him.

"He's probably full from your little session."

They both gasped, looking at the prince as he pierced the plastic with a smirk, Minho even forgetting to be disgusted.

"I just wanted to pee, last night, I ended up hearing you. Thankgod I didn't see anything though.", he then let out a sharp laugh. "But Minho trying to set a new trend on the village's fashion, huh?"

"You have balls, prince."

"I do, Lee, I really do."


Minho sat up again, trying to understand why he felt so bad. His head was dizzy, his legs shaking and his breathing uneven. He gasped and let his hand slide to his chest.

Chan woke up at the slights whines coming from the bed on the other side of the room. He quickly got up and rolled his eyes at the younger's state.

"Amazing, Lee Minho.", the younger felt like his dad was taking to him. "You are extremely dumb." Now it really sounded like it.

He slowly got out of the house, Minho being too pained to move and stop him, but Chan came back minutes after with an almost sleeping Jisung on his back. He dropped the boy as if he was a potato bag on Minho's bed.

"W-what the-"

"Cut the crap, you guys are tied, you can't live without him. That little attack you were having there, was because younger's missing him.", Chan pointed at him and the guy noticed the pain had stopped."Stop being an ass and at least admit it to yourself, or your bond will only hurt you more."

"I'm an alpha, I can-"

"You can deal with it?", Chan chuckled, laying down on his bed again. "I'm a royal and my bond is killing me. I felt them today at dinner, my heart has been hurting more at every minute, and I still haven't seen them.", the boy turned to the wall. "So be grateful Jisung even is with you right now."

The brunette sighed and looked over at the sleeping boy, caressing his cheeks. The squirrel suddenly woke up, his eyes wide open as he felt the touch.

"Wosh where the he-"

"You're in my house."

Jisung looked up at Minho and pouted.


Minho didn't anwser, he just slapped his pout and layed down, pulling a shocked Jisung with him. He hugged the younger's waist and the guy let himself be cuddled up to his chest. Jisung burried his head and sighed in happiness. Minho placed a small kiss on the younger's head, not even thinking about it.

"You're getting soft.", Jisung said and yawned.

"Shut up, Jisung."

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