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   OF ALL THE PLACES HE HAD SEEN, none quite made Benjamin's heart race like Los Angeles did

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OF ALL THE PLACES HE HAD SEEN, none quite made Benjamin's heart race like Los Angeles did. Maybe it was because of all the memories, all the attachments that gave him something worth returning for, but when he stood at the entrance of his favorite nightclub, it might as well have been his first time there. It took his breath away all the same, a wide grin on his face as he leaned on the railing and took in the sight of intoxicated dancers and unreasonably attractive bartenders — not that he had eyes for anyone but one man.

With his heart thudding practically to the beat of the music he was easily drawn to, Benji scanned the surroundings but supposed that even if he was intending on heading for the penthouse, he could enjoy the party for a minute or two first. He had attended more than enough in his lifetime, but this... felt like home. That was why he had decided to come back in the first place, knowing that besides the place, there was one person who felt like home, too.

Not that he had told him, though. Or anyone but Izzy, for that matter — he did love a surprise, after all.

Benjamin barely made it halfway through the stairs, his dazzled eyes still stuck on the dancefloor when his chest thumped into another and he staggered backwards. Acting on instinct, his hands flew out to balance the other man walking into him, just as the stranger copied his movements to make sure neither of them would be shoved over the railing. They were left in panicked silence, then, holding one another with an apology brewing in the back of Benji's throat, only for it to die out when he looked up and saw the confused stare directed at him.

It was a handsome guy, no doubt, but the scrutinizing gaze he found himself receiving was never anything good, even if the fluffy hair and doe eyes almost got Benjamin under their spell. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" the man questioned, both of them forgetting to let go of each other while reviewing each other and the similar leather jackets they were donning.

Lifting an eyebrow, Benji glanced down at the stranger's hip only for a chuckle to burst from his lips when he acknowledged the shiny badge resting on his belt. "Are you a cop?" he asked carelessly, almost amused by the odds of this happening to him again. When the man nodded at him, he repeated the gesture with a grin and shrugged innocently, sure that even if he couldn't place the guy, it was more than plausible for them to have crossed paths before. "In that case, it's very possible."

"Alright, let's see some ID", the cop sighed in defeat, his hold finally relenting as he dropped his hands to his hips and stood in Benjamin's way to stop him from disappearing further into the club.

Caving in without a fight, Ben dug through his pocket and whipped out his ID to present it to the cop with a knowing look. It was a familiar routine, and it seemed to pull an almost amused smile from the man as he glanced at his information — at the sight of his name, though, the amusement evaporated and his mouth fell open as he glanced between the card and the real thing in front of him. Tempted to tell him to take a picture, Benji flashed another smile, one hoping to get on with his day, especially now that he was devoted to one man only and flirting with the cop wouldn't make things any interesting for him.

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