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          UPON HIS ARRIVAL to Los Angeles — his return to home — Benjamin Espinoza had sworn, not only to Dan, but to himself, that he wouldn't fall for Lucifer Morningstar and his charms

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          UPON HIS ARRIVAL to Los Angeles — his return to home — Benjamin Espinoza had sworn, not only to Dan, but to himself, that he wouldn't fall for Lucifer Morningstar and his charms. He wasn't the kind of guy to crush, to develop feelings, to stay and hold on. And yet, the flirtatious remarks had turned into this — a peaceful walk on the dark, surprisingly quiet streets of L.A as the sundown was painting the sky in purple and orange, his hand in Lucifer's, in a grip so tight he wasn't sure if he could ever pull away. If he even wanted to. Because indeed, it turned out that resisting the Devil was a fool's errand, simply pointless. After all, hadn't Benjamin been so enchanted by him the first time he saw him in Lux? Frankly, that feeling had never gone away.

         It had only gotten stronger.

        And that was precisely what was terrifying him to his very core, the wild child and the rebellious runaway being pushed deeper into his shell as new emotions replaced the ones he was used to. None. Perhaps that was why affection had kicked in so suddenly — there was so much empty space in his heart, ready to be taken over by the unique sensation of pure love. But even if it sounded so simple, even if it was supposed to feel so good, it was only causing Benjamin's chest to tighten, a ball of anxiety developing in the pit of his stomach and expanding with each passing moment.

         "Your father wasn't in Hell", Lucifer suddenly broke the silence between the two of them, and with those five words, the events of the night came back to Benjamin as a rush of memories and relief due to the successful ending. His eyes widened as he turned to the man by his side, slightly taller and definitely the most beautiful thing Benji had ever seen. "Or, at the very least I could not locate him", he then added, and with a deep inhale, Benjamin looked away but made sure that Lucifer noticed his quiet nod.

         "Thank you", he whispered, and squeezing Ben's hand gently, the man smiled, as if to assure that it was no big deal. But it was — he had told Benji everything that had happened in Hell, including seeing Uriel again and getting stuck in his own personal prison for a moment. But he was there now, and he was real and alive and warm.

          "You know, for a second there, I thought I was going to lose you", Benjamin let out a breathy chuckle, devoid of amusement as his eyes darted to the ground where their feet stood next to one another. "I didn't really like that feeling", he added with a mutter, and sighing out, Lucifer shook his head.

         "How could I leave, when I have so much worth my return?", he lifted an eyebrow, and as they continued to walk down the street with their hearts racing and their freezing fingers desperately trying to warm up in each other's hold, they fell into silence. But not for long. "Listen, Benjamin. About what you said... Your feelings...", the Devil began suddenly, and in an instant, the Espinoza turned red, forcing him to lower his head all the more.

          However, Lucifer noticed this and he was quickly stopping on his tracks to pull Ben back and sneak a finger beneath his jaw, giving him the opportunity to lift it until their eyes locked together. "I have never said those words before, so it is most certainly not easy for me. But just know, that I care about you too. Deeply. Beyond my imagination and belief. Truthfully, I never thought I'd have this, but you've changed quite a few things in my life. For the better, of course", he gestured with his hands whilst a charming smile appeared onto his lips, pulling a chuckle from Benji.

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