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  "WHAT THE HELL are you doing here?"

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"WHAT THE HELL are you doing here?"

Benjamin's eyes darted from the screen of Lucifer's phone, where a funny cat video was playing, to his brother, who approached the two of them with a frustrated look in his eyes. "Well, I mean— isn't it obvious? I'm here to party, bro", Benji chuckled in response, narrowing his eyes at Dan to question if he was being quite serious, but concluding from the stern look on his features, he was. Cringing at the trouble he was already imagining to be in, Benjamin quickly pushed himself off of Lucifer's Corvette which they had arrived in — that had been a wonderfully thrilling experience, especially for a car nerd like himself — and slapped his hand casually onto Daniel's shoulder, a convincing smile appearing onto his lips. "I promise, I'll be good. Lucifer invited me, it's not like I was going to say no", he nodded his head, and in return, Dan simply groaned.

"Let's go then, shall we?", Lucifer suggested, and shooting a glare at him, no doubt because he was getting more and more involved with his brother despite Dan's wishes, the detective nodded and followed the two as they began to lead the way. "Who doesn't love a sex party?", the Devil added with a low chuckle, and eyes widening, Benjamin turned to look between him and Dan in shock and amazement.

"A sex party? Sounds like my normal weekend", he joked, but once he saw the disapproving look he was earning from his big brother, Benji cleared his throat. "I'm just kidding, obviously. I don't do illegal stuff", he reassured with an innocent smile, but Dan's stare pressured him into adding, "not anymore, at least!"

Still, imagining Benjamin partying hard wasn't so hard, whereas the thought of Dan attending these kind of events was downright amusing, and before they headed inside, Benji had to point out that he totally looked like a cop. Lucifer backed him up on this, as did Amenadiel, who had joined them as well — it had been Benjamin's idea, who had insisted that the fun brothers were going to show him a good time. And although reluctantly, Amenadiel had agreed to come with, and confirm that Dan was obviously a cop, much to the detective's frustration.

But, despite all the difficulties and disagreements they faced on the way, they did eventually make it inside. Benjamin could hear Dan's warnings and instructions to keep a low profile and behave, but thanks to the bourbon Lucifer had encouraged Benji to drink earlier that evening, he had enough liquid courage to ignore everything that was told to him and brutally disobey each of the rules. With that in mind, he merely giggled whilst grabbing Lucifer's hand and pulling him onto the dance floor, with Amenadiel following their lead. Although the latter went to dance with some girls, Benjamin found himself too caught up in the moment to step away from Lucifer, leaving them dancing with one another along the hypnotizing beat of the music.

When he peeked over Lucifer's shoulder, Benji could see Dan walking off and eyeing the crowd, for which he was grateful — as much as he loved his brother, he knew how protective he could be. If Dan were to see this, he'd probably jump between the two men immediately and rant to his little brother about the dangers of Lucifer Morningstar, but frankly, Benjamin didn't really care. Instead of overthinking everything like Daniel tended to do, he threw his arms over Lucifer's shoulders and let the music push them closer.

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