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 "HAVE I EVER mentioned how much I love your car?"

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"HAVE I EVER mentioned how much I love your car?"

Lucifer turned to look at Benjamin, who was resting his injured head back with his eyes closed, hands coming in contact with his thigh along the beat of the rock song playing from the radio. Despite the bruises and stitches on his face, he looked free and like he was truly enjoying this momentary peace, although it wasn't calm by any means. But, in Benjamin's books, rock music and cruising down the streets in a badass car counted as peaceful — it was his very own paradise. And that was evident, as his face was painted with serenity and his lips were twitching upwards in a smile. It made Lucifer do the same — frankly, he found Benjamin quite the sight to behold.

"I don't think so", Lucifer then replied, clearing his throat as he turned back to the road, not wishing for Benjamin to suffer through yet another accident. "However, I do like hearing about it. This Corvette is a bloody beauty, that's for certain. Your car isn't too bad either, though", his hands gripped the wheel tightly as he lowered the volume of the music, which earned Benjamin's attention, but despite the disapproving look he sent over to Lucifer, he did acknowledge that talking would be much easier without any guitar solos to drown their words.

Before Benjamin could respond anything — even though he did agree, his precious Camaro was his most valuable treasure — he stared at Lucifer and the nervous manner he was shuffling with. There was something off about him, which he tried to hide with his usual, crooked grins and sarcastic comments, but Benjamin could tell there was something on his mind. It was easy to see — perhaps because he had done the same thing for so long, pretended to be fine when in reality there was a heavy anvil of darkness weighing down on his fragile heart.

"You quite sure you don't want me to come with?", Lucifer then questioned, suddenly turning to look at Benjamin, and without even realizing he had reacted to abruptly, the man looked away to avoid eye contact. He didn't know what that was all about, but somehow merely the idea of staring into the tempting abyss of Lucifer's eyes caused his heart to run like a wild horse, and he wasn't sure what would happen if he actually faced the man. He could adore him from afar, when he wasn't looking, but now, he found himself nervously fiddling with the hem of his flannel and looking down.

"Pretty sure it's not an open session", Benjamin commented jokingly, and nodding, Lucifer inhaled deeply before resting back in his seat. Once he had turned back to the road, Benji lifted his gaze, and unable to hold back anymore, he popped the question that had been dancing around on the tip of his tongue for a while now. "Are you okay?", he wondered, and surprised by this, Lucifer glanced at him again — however, Benji didn't have the time to look away, instead he remained paralyzed in his seat. "I mean, is everything okay?"

Chuckling, Lucifer broke into a smile that wasn't amused at all. "Well, since I never lie, I suppose you shall hear the truth. You deserve to hear the truth. I believe there are divine powers trying to kill Chloe. Possibly you, too", he explained, and eyes widening, Benjamin couldn't help but stare. A part of him wanted to be scared, but an even bigger part was unable to believe what he was saying and it caused the amused smile on his lips.

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