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      IT WAS ALREADY late, and quite frankly, Benjamin had no clue what he was going to find in Lux, but that was the first place that he went for — or more specifically, Lucifer's penthouse, where he expected to find the Devil somberly playing th...

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IT WAS ALREADY late, and quite frankly, Benjamin had no clue what he was going to find in Lux, but that was the first place that he went for — or more specifically, Lucifer's penthouse, where he expected to find the Devil somberly playing the grand piano and sipping on his millionth drink of the night. Or, at least Benji hoped so, because it was obvious that Lucifer was heartbroken, and to make matters worse, he was also incapable of handling all those negative feelings piling up on his heart, which could only take so much. Benjamin still hadn't learned all there was to Lucifer and what it meant to be the Devil, but he suspected that he wasn't a professional when it came to emotions — which was one of the reasons why they had connected so well. And although Benjamin was more the type to procrastinate when it came to his own feelings, he couldn't let Lucifer dwell in his own dark thoughts, all alone and lost in the bottomless void.

He actually had no idea if Lucifer could even die, but trying to get shot sounded rather serious. Then again, he was Lucifer Morningstar — who knew if he had simply done it for the fun of it? But, a voice of concern was loud enough in Benjamin's head to convince him that it was about something less lovely, and even though he was uncertain if bullets could do any actual damage to the Devil, he was determined to save his friend from this pit of despair that he had seemingly fallen into. And with no wings to fly out with, Benjamin was going to extend a hand for the former angel to hold onto.

Nervously, the man was tapping his finger against his jean-clad thigh while impatiently standing in the frustratingly slowly moving elevator, barely not bursting through the doors before they had even opened. Luckily, when a time that felt unreasonable had finally passed, Benjamin could enter Lucifer's penthouse, his lips already parted to call out his name or ask if he was okay, his steps quick and worried as he dived out of the lift.

"Luci—oh—oh", he didn't make it very far, when he found himself staring into the stunning doe eyes of a very naked lady, holding a fluffy towel around her tall frame whilst her wet hair rested on her other shoulder, and her lips curved into a curious smile.

"Can I help you?", she questioned, her voice sweet as honey — in fact, it was almost too sweet. Something about it seemed unreliable, but perhaps that was just the disappointment kicking into Benjamin's heart. He wasn't sure why, but somehow he had not expected to find him in company like this, but then again, maybe that was exactly the Lucifer Morningstar approach to problems and situations that he wished to squirm out of. Maybe, this was exactly predictable. Maybe, the pang that Benji felt in his heart was insane and stupid, and he really needed to get a grip and remind himself of what was true and what was just silly dreams planted into the back of his head by situations that could be read in many ways.

Unable to blame this woman for the kick that had stolen his breath for a second there, Benjamin pursed his lips in a similar, kind smile. "I was just looking for Lucifer, I was kind of worried. But, I can see that he's not alone, so... I'll just... go back home now", he chuckled, although his voice was void of amusement. After offering the woman a curt nod as a silent goodbye, Benjamin had clapped his hands together and stepped back into the elevator, which luckily took him downstairs quickly.

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