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          BENJAMIN WAS STUBBORN and persistent for the most part, never standing down from what he believed in, never letting anyone falter his faith or trust, and that was why he was insisting that the visit to Lux hadn't been a complete flop

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         BENJAMIN WAS STUBBORN and persistent for the most part, never standing down from what he believed in, never letting anyone falter his faith or trust, and that was why he was insisting that the visit to Lux hadn't been a complete flop. At least he had come to the realization that there was an awesome club in Los Angeles, one that he intended to stop by frequently, and that it was also owned by someone utterly charming and worth his while and attention. However, he did accept the fact that it didn't give them the bro moment he had hoped for, which was why he had apologized to Dan afterwards.

           "Okay, maybe it didn't go entirely as planned, and I'm sorry, but at least now we can order pizza and binge Family Guy while catching up and pretending we're tougher than our sad stories make it seem?", was Benji's attempt to make their night better, and even though Dan wanted to be upset, he ended up smiling and agreeing to Ben's plan. He was his brother, after all, and now that he was back after being away for so many years, Dan didn't find it in his heart to be that scolding big brother who only judged and pretended like he wasn't actually fighting back tears of joy.

          So, they ended up staying up even if Dan had to wake up early for work the next morning, but when he groggily silenced his blaring alarm at six A.M, he couldn't help but laugh and admit that it had been worth it.

           "About damn time", was what Benjamin greeted Dan with when his older brother dragged his tired body into the small kitchen, where the smell of fresh coffee comforted him. "Good morning, Detective Douche", the youngest Espinoza flashed his infamous grin whilst handing Daniel a steaming mug filled with coffee and a hint of milk, and as he accepted the drink he desperately needed in his system, Dan groaned at the nickname. He hated when Lucifer called him Detective Douche — and now his own brother was doing it, too. He didn't need that in his life, but he knew Benji had no intentions to stop, either.

           "You know, I'll never understand how you can be so energetic and chirpy this early", Dan pointed out before taking a sip of the coffee and ruffling his hair with his free hand. Chuckling, Benjamin took his own coffee, but when Dan looked away, he sneakily took his flask of whiskey which he had hid behind the microwave, and poured some in the mug, watching how the droplets broke the perfect surface of the drink.

          "It's a real mystery", he simply replied, before rolling the cork back on and putting the flask back in its hideout.

           Benjamin and Dan both found themselves seated on the couch and watching the news before the latter would have to leave for work, utter silence landing between them, but it was comfortable in its nature. They didn't always have to talk — moments like these were just as meaningful, until Benji would shatter the peace by offering a sarcastic remark or complimenting the weatherman's ass.

          Still, it was two brothers being themselves — the other a sassy little rebel and the other rolling his eyes at his little brother's immaturity, but also hiding a smile. They loved each other dearly, and it was evident even if they could occasionally argue or judge each other's behavior.

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