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     BENJAMIN WAS GLAD to see that the effects of Azrael's blade were evidently subsiding and Dan was returning to his old self, although he was mildly tainted with guilt, and it was obvious in his apologetic eyes when he arrived to their shared k...

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     BENJAMIN WAS GLAD to see that the effects of Azrael's blade were evidently subsiding and Dan was returning to his old self, although he was mildly tainted with guilt, and it was obvious in his apologetic eyes when he arrived to their shared kitchen the next morning. Benji was rather used to sleeping in and waking up to an empty house with Dan already tackling a new homicide, but now that he was also employed — which had surprised Dan, to be honest — he found himself early in the kitchen, surrounded by the tempting smell of coffee. And the liquour he had shamelessly slipped in his mug to give the morning a good boost.

          "Hey, about last night...", Dan broke the silence between the two without a simple good morning, and Benji looked up from his phone to see his older sibling scratching the back of his neck nervously, with his eyes avoiding Ben's. He wanted to intervene and insist that Dan hadn't been himself, but he didn't get the chance — yet. "I don't know what happened, but I remember yelling at you for some reason, and I just—I'm sorry. You're an awesome brother, and you really didn't deserve that. I don't blame you for leaving L.A, I totally get it and I hope you know that you never need to be anyone but yourself", Daniel continued, sipping on his coffee awkwardly as his soft gaze shifted over to his little brother, who smiled in return.

          "It's all good. I mean, I did kind of abandon you, and I didn't even tell you — just left you a lame note. But, there's nothing to worry about. No hard feelings, man", Benjamin reassured, and in an instant, Dan relaxed visibly, his posture softening while he cracked a happy smile.

           Gulping down the rest of his coffee, Dan grabbed his jacket from one of the kitchen chairs before looking over to Benji again, his eyes curious. "So, Lux, huh?", he poked the subject that Benjamin had been waiting for, and snorting, he turned to face his brother whilst nodding his head to confirm that it was true — he finally got a job, and not any basic job, either.

           "Yeah, I like it there. Speaking of the Devil's club, I better head out, and I recommend you do the same. A new murder mystery awaits, eh?", Benjamin added his coffee mug to the pile of dishes he had been talentedly avoiding since last night, before following his brother's lead and shrugging his leather jacket onto his broad shoulders.

          Whilst shaking his head and chuckling, Dan opened the door to lead the way out, "I swear, you sound more like Lucifer each day", he just commented, and grinning in response, Benjamin decided to take that as a compliment.

          With Dan jumping into his own car and Benjamin revving the engine of his Camaro, the two siblings quickly parted ways, Bad to the Bone giving them a proper farewell as Benji sped towards the nightclub he was proud to work at. His arrival turned many heads, and after sending a few winks to the men yearning after him, the bartender rushed indoors, only to find a bunch of uninvited people buzzing around the room, investigating the surroundings.

           Lifting an eyebrow, Benjamin pushed his sunglasses into his pocket, and felt relieved to find a certain demon waiting below the stairs he was quickly hopping down. "Uh, Maze?", he started carefully, unsure if he even wanted to know what was happening, and immediately, the woman turned to face Benji with her muscular arms crossed over her barely hidden chest. However, he didn't get an answer, when a familiar accent had already earned his attention with a simple greeting, forcing him to spin around and smile at the lovely sight awaiting for him.

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