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          "SO, TELL ME

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          "SO, TELL ME. What exactly am I walking into?", Benji eyed Izzy curiously whilst sipping on the coffee she had gotten for him — he was glad that she had been truthful, because as someone who woke up at 4 and was immediately being dragged to a nightclub, he desperately needed it. Even if he needed to have it without his usual accompaniment. Luckily, though, he expected to get some alcohol in his system as soon as they'd get to Lux, and from the looks of it, Izzy needed some of that, too. She seemed visibly nervous, her knuckles white from gripping the wheel so tightly, and her mouth tossing and turning the piece of gum without an end in sight. And that was why Benjamin had to question her intentions and why he had agreed so easily.

          Though she did have to admit, Izzy was looking rather lovely — the blue uniform he was used to seeing her in had changed into more casual, but still stylish clothes. It almost looked like she had gotten dressed not for something, but someone.

          "Lucifer said he's trying to arrange a girls' night for Chloe. Which, you know— she kinda scares me. But also, apparently Mazikeen will take care of it. So, uh, Lucifer also invited me, and Ella, I think", Izzy ranted, and pursing his lips into a smile that he just couldn't hide, Benjamin offered a nod to confirm he was listening. That also allowed him to notice the way her voice cracked when she mentioned Mazikeen and her hold on the wheel tightened slightly, meaning that was who she was trying to impress. He wasn't sure if Izzy noticed it herself, but Benji could tell that the woman was someone special. Then again, so was Isadora.

          Clearing his throat, Benjamin then lowered the coffee cup he had finished by now. "Chloe isn't scary. Okay, kind of intimidating, with the eyebrows, I guess. But, she's a sweetheart. I think you'll notice that tonight", he smiled when he thought about his sister-in-law, and in response, Izzy burst out laughing.

          "It's totally the eyebrows! She is super pretty and professional, though", she ended up groaning, and although Benjamin deemed her a somewhat social, open person, it was obvious that she was stepping out of her comfort-zone for this one. Benji couldn't relate — he got along with everyone and anyone and had never come across someone who had intimidated him in any way, but he did carry sympathy for the girl. Although, if he had to think of someone that tugged on his heartstrings almost too tightly, the name Lucifer Morningstar instantly forced its way into his head, along with the perfectly sculpted image of his flawless face.

          Nudging Izzy, just slightly to keep them securely on the road, Benjamin winked. "Are you saying you're not pretty and professional? Ever consider glasses, Dora?", he teased, and from the glare that Izzy sent his way, he gathered that it wasn't a nickname she particularly liked. However, instead of accepting any arguments from the redhead, Benjamin continued with, "You do realize I'm not a girl, right? What is my role in all of this? And who is Ella?", his eyebrow lifting as he turned to the woman again.

          "Ella Lopez is the forensic scientist we work with. She's adorable, to say the least. I think you'll love her. And as for your part in all of this...", Izzy inhaled, shrugging slightly, "I just wanted a friend to show up with. You're my friend, I suppose. And also, I've heard that you and Lucifer have a thing or something, so...", and although she tried to swallow her last words to avoid Benjamin hearing and clinging onto them, she failed and the man's eyes blew wide with shock.

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