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"SO, WHAT'S ALL this?"

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"SO, WHAT'S ALL this?"

Lucifer turned his head to find Benjamin gesturing at his outfit, and chuckling quietly, the Devil tilted his head to the side proudly. "I may not be your brother's biggest fan, but I see that people like him. For some reason, he's the right kind of person. So I decided to walk a mile in these incredibly tight skinny fit jeans and see what makes Detective Douche... well, a douche", he commented, but when Benjamin didn't laugh at the nickname for his brother, Lucifer's smile faded away as well. "I think now is the time to show what I've learned. Is there something wrong, Benjamin?", he questioned softly, his tall frame leaning down to stare into the man's eyes gently.

And for a second, it felt like there was no one else but them in the precinct. However, Benjamin quickly remembered that there was, so he looked away and offered a dry smile in response. "What? The women and the booze didn't work their magic?", his snide comment surprised Lucifer, who wasn't quite sure if he was supposed to be offended or flattered by the tone in Benji's voice — but he did quickly lean towards the latter.

"Benjamin Espinoza, are you jealous?", he inquired with a wide, confident smirk twisting his lips, and a part of Benjamin wanted to slap it off, but a part also wanted to kiss it away.

Facing him with narrowed eyes, Benjamin shook his head. "Lucifer Morningstar, I don't get jealous", he mocked the Devil's accent, but despite his attempts to deny his feelings, Lucifer had seen enough women and men yearn after him to know that look in Benji's eyes — even if he tried to avoid looking at Lucifer. But, surprisingly, he didn't push that particular button any more.

"Well, for what it's worth, I haven't had any female, or male guests over lately. As for the booze... Who doesn't love a good drink?", he smiled yet again, although this time it wasn't as enthusiastic and proud. Perhaps, because he truly believed to have a friend, and something more, in Benjamin. Even in hard times, even after finding out the truth, Benji had stuck by his side, but now it seemed he was faltering. And Lucifer really didn't wish for that to happen.

"Oh?", Benjamin crossed his arms, "I stopped by last night only to meet some woman in a towel instead of you. I was worried, but I obviously didn't want to interrupt anything so I left", licking his lips briefly while giving Lucifer a doubtful look.     Frankly, the words "I was worried" were threatening to put a fond smile on his face, but before he let that happen, he chose to let out profoundly amused laughter.

"I think it's time we finally talk about this whole Devil thing, Benjamin. That woman you saw, is my Mum. In a disturbingly hot human body. Now, what else would you like to know?", he was unable to hold back a grin as he nudged Benjamin, whose eyes widened at the unexpected twist — Lucifer's Mother? An actual goddess?

Breaking into a smile of his own, Benji turned on Dan's chair and faced Lucifer bravely now, deciding that perhaps this whole avoiding thing was silly and useless. Maybe, he just needed to find the perfect balance — give in to the desire to spend time with Lucifer, but also be himself. Not some lovesick puppy.

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