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 BENJAMIN WAS RARELY scared, but when his meeting with Ricardo Lopez was cut short by a text message from Izzy, an anvil of terror dropped onto his heart and he could almost hear the cracks as his chest tightened and his soul ignited with a feelin...

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BENJAMIN WAS RARELY scared, but when his meeting with Ricardo Lopez was cut short by a text message from Izzy, an anvil of terror dropped onto his heart and he could almost hear the cracks as his chest tightened and his soul ignited with a feeling he wasn't quite used to. With Dan and Ella staying behind to take care of the rest before they'd return to the hospital as well, Benji was already hopping into his Camaro and speeding back to the building with his fingers nervously tapping against the leather wheel and his head buzzing with the potential explanations behind the mysterious message that Ben hadn't bothered to solve.

You need to come here ASAP. Luci-mergency.

And indeed, that was his goal — to get there as quickly as only possible, and when his car had barely touched the parking lot, he had rushed out and slammed the door shut with his fingers nervously playing with the keys. Wasn't that a surefire way to tell how much he cared about Lucifer — the willingness to sacrifice his car for the man? However, he had no time to analyze his actions, instead, the worry was driving him up the stairs and to the right floor, to the right room, where the door was sealed shut to avoid any unwanted attention.

As Benjamin finally stepped in, panic washed over him like a tidal wave, bound to drown him when he came face to face with the sight of Linda desperately trying to revive Lucifer, to no avail. Behind the blonde, stood Izzy and Mazikeen, with the taller woman's arm draped over the demon's shoulders comfortingly — a rare, and therefore alarming sight, causing the lump in Benjamin's throat to grow. On the floor was an unconscious Goddess, most likely taking a trip to Hell as well. "Come on", Linda's voice was barely above a whisper, her eyes glossy with tears as she placed the defibrillator pads against Lucifer's bare chest, downright praying for him to jolt back to life.

Without even realizing that a stray tear had slipped down his cheek, Benji rushed to Lucifer's side, his hand cradling his gently while his eyes remained on the blank, emotionless ones staring at the ceiling without their usual spark in them. He didn't even have to ask to know what was going on — something had gone wrong with the plan that was supposed to be fireproof, and here they were, all preparing for the possibility that Lucifer was a goner and his days of making snarky comments and giving other people a reason to smile were over. But Benjamin — he wasn't ready to let go, and quite honestly, the feeling of needing someone so desperately was gripping his heart in the most uncomfortable of ways.

"Don't give up", Benjamin pleaded quietly, a tear falling from his eye to Lucifer's slender fingers as he clutched them tightly, and as if on cue, Linda's one last attempt earned a sharp gasp from the Devil as he hauled air into his lungs, his eyes flying wide open and his body lifting from the squeaky bed — he was alive. The relieving sight earned laughter from Benji, who shook his head and thanked whatever divine powers had granted his return, only to realize that it wasn't God's doing. Lucifer did this on his own, there was no doubt of it, and that caused the hint of pride behind Ben's smile as he leaned closer to press a chaste kiss on his temple.

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