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  LAST NIGHT WAS a haze, and for a moment, Benjamin woke up in the belief that it had merely been a dream — that he had never shown up at Lux, Lucifer had never cried against his shoulder, he had never found out that he was in fact dealing with th...

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  LAST NIGHT WAS a haze, and for a moment, Benjamin woke up in the belief that it had merely been a dream — that he had never shown up at Lux, Lucifer had never cried against his shoulder, he had never found out that he was in fact dealing with the actual Devil, he hadn't played the piano for him to comfort him after the death of Lucifer's brother — the murder of Lucifer's brother. But once Benji's eyes fluttered open and he realized that he was staring at a strange ceiling and his body was resting against a suspiciously comfortable mattress with unfamiliar sheets covering his body, he started to put the pieces together and the events of the previous night came flooding in, reminding him of where he was and why he was there.

          Eyes flying wipe open, Benjamin jumped up to sit whilst his hands sank into the warm bed, and he couldn't stop himself from gasping sharply once he looked at the surroundings — a large window was playing the role of a wall on the other side of the small but cozy bedroom, whilst the other side was adorned with see-through, silky curtains. For a second, he wondered if things with Lucifer had escalated, but once the sleepiness had worn off, Benjamin confirmed that the man had simply offered his bed for Benji, in the belief that he wouldn't be able to sleep much himself — not after he had killed his brother so brutally.

          Naturally, Benjamin had offered to stay up with Lucifer, but inevitably, he had fallen asleep at some point and left the Devil alone with his dark thoughts.

          Yet, somehow, even after sleeping on it, Benjamin couldn't bring himself to fearing Lucifer and his true nature. Perhaps, if he had found out he was the Devil before getting to know him, he would have been mildly intimidated, but now, he didn't imagine an evil little man with horns and a pointy tail. To him, Lucifer was still the same guy that he had kissed, the same guy that wanted to protect Benjamin from his brother, the same guy that didn't let Benji's flaws scare him away. And for that reason, Benjamin made a silent promise to embrace Lucifer's quirks and flaws the same way.

          But he couldn't deny the desire for asking questions. A lot of questions. However, for now, it seemed that Lucifer was somewhere other than his penthouse, only a small note left behind for Benjamin, meaning that he would have to wonder about Heaven and Hell later.

          Smiling, Ben picked up the note from the small table next to the large bed and eyed Lucifer's flawless handwriting curiously. "Thank you for last night, Benjamin. You don't need to worry about me anymore, though. Right now, I'd like to advise you to solve things with your brother, as you still have the possibility to do so. x", Lucifer had written on it, and sighing, Benjamin acknowledged the problem he was yet to handle — he had snapped at Dan rather cruelly, and whilst he did have a good reason, he still hated not talking to the man, even if he wasn't entirely his brother. But, perhaps Dan had been right — being related by blood didn't mean a thing, when you had a bond like theirs.

          With that in mind, Benji eventually got dressed in last night's clothes and headed out of Lux, kind of hoping to get a drink before making his way out, but what looked like the aftermath of an intense party was blocking his access to the bar. Therefore, he was forced to go outside with a lack of liquid courage, and get a cab to give him a ride to Dan's place since his Camaro was still parked in the yard of the apartment building.

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